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[17:50] <Chopin> Say less
[17:50] <Chopin> Please
[17:50] <Chopin> Hey Shaggy
[17:50] <%Caleb> Chopin, what?
[17:50] <occupy_my_nutz> less
[17:50] <%Caleb> less
[17:50] <%Caleb> Are you talking to me?
[17:50] <Shaggy> i haz no sound caleb
[17:51] == anonyops0168 [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[17:51] <Chopin> and you get anyone in front of a mic
[17:51] <Shaggy> let me plug in some headset
[17:51] <Chopin> they trust you a lot more
[17:51] <%Caleb> You remind me of the kids at school... what did we call them, the "shit disturbers"
[17:51] <occupy_my_nutz> shit stirrers
[17:51] <Chopin> No no no
[17:51] <%Caleb> We call them disturbers in Canada..
[17:51] <Chopin> disturbers
[17:51] <Chopin> clearly
[17:52] <%Caleb> Chopin, I ask you again... [19:50] <Chopin> Say less [19:50] <Chopin> Please < was this directed at me?
[17:52] <occupy_my_nutz> Caleb, I am pretty sure if your military was our sized, and you had obama your money would be worthless too
[17:53] <%Caleb> I don't want to go into Military, I live very close to a military base...
[17:53] <%Caleb> so my opinions get a little stirred
[17:53] <gh0st> there are some nice updates in the backtrack repo's right now
[17:53] <Captain_Morgan> Umm, I thought the canadaian military was just as good or better than ours in the US
[17:53] <gh0st> owasp-zap
[17:53] <gh0st> sqlninja
[17:53] <gh0st> burpsuite
[17:53] <Shaggy> lOLOLOLOLOLOL
[17:53] <Chopin> (18:47:13)<Caleb>Please remember, that because this is a public chat room, and I haven't been asked to not disclose anything, up to this point, I can log & post all of this. Just saying.
[17:53] <%Caleb> CM,
[17:53] <Shaggy> caleb lolololololololol
[17:54] <%Caleb> Chopin
[17:54] <Shaggy> congrats canada for perserving your national igloo
[17:54] <%Caleb> I told you earlier to stop posting real/fake (no fucking clue) logs of me
[17:54] <%Caleb> Seriously
[17:54] <%Caleb> Do you save logs of me for later fapping?
[17:54] <%Caleb> O.o
[17:54] == Bamf [[email protected]] has joined #anonops
[17:54] <Bamf> that sounds gross
[17:54] == Fibrewire [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
[17:54] <%Caleb> Because I am now a little weirded, by a log, that looks like I didn't even write it
[17:54] <Chopin> Oct 14th
[17:54] <%Caleb> And you have a log about me logging?
[17:54] <%Caleb> woah
[17:55] <%Caleb> You have a log about me logging?
[17:55] <Chopin> No
[17:55] <%Caleb> :o
[17:55] <occupy_my_nutz> Hey, I like the military, just expensive
[17:55] <%Caleb> That what was that?
[17:55] <Chopin> It's on fucking google, bro
[17:55] <%Caleb> dude... stop trying to fucking stir shit
[17:55] <%Caleb> You put it on Google
[17:55] <Chopin> Someone already did it.  A convo I wasn't in
[17:55] <%Caleb> you put it on pastebin
[17:55] <%Caleb> :P
[17:55] <Chopin> (18:47:13)<Caleb>Please remember, that because this is a public chat room, and I haven't been asked to not disclose anything, up to this point, I can log & post all of this. Just saying.
[17:55] <%Caleb> dudee....
[17:55] <%Caleb> If thats where I think its from
[17:55] <Chopin> I didn't put on shit, I deleted my pastebin when old man asked me to
[17:55] <%Caleb> you fail hard
[17:55] <%Caleb> is that the pastebin of me in prosec's chat trollng them?
[17:55] <%Caleb> LOL
[17:55] <Shaggy> LMFAOO
[17:55] <Chopin> No
[17:55] <%Caleb> Yes it is
[17:55] <Shaggy> this video is funny caleb
[17:55] <Carrion> lol
[17:55] <Chopin> It's not prosec
[17:55] <Carrion> pr0d0x
[17:56] == BiNk [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[17:56] <Chopin> no it is not
[17:56] == Chopin was kicked from #anonops by Caleb [gtfo]
[17:56] <&Poke> drama
[17:56] <%Caleb> brb
[17:56] <%Caleb> Poke: that same log
[17:56] == shitstorm [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: weeeeeeeee]
[17:56] <%Caleb> every 10 minutes
[17:56] <gh0st> caleb: i see you are still kicking people like crazy
[17:56] <Bamf> haha yeah lots of drama
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