Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 15, 2023

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Spotify is a shitty Swedish audio streaming service that claims to allow its users to listen to music for free, but forgets to mention that the service includes promotional LGBT pride ads, artists battling in a pay-to-win war over their dogshit songs, and 73% useless bloat. Their software takes up hundreds of megabytes of space, with a laggy and slow UI full of ads, easily ass-raping your RAM. The streaming quality is worse than a broken radio from the 1980s and the songs themselves sound like they were recorded on an auto-tuned toaster full of compression and distortion. Rarely will you find anything of worth.

In general, it's much more worthwhile to download your music and listen to it with an audio player, rather than use software that drains as much battery and money as possible, instead of actually playing music files for you. Alternatively, you could use YouTube Music on a web browser and just switch your adblocker on... but then again, YouTube Music has horrible audio quality as well.

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