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Moar info: ICVD.

* TGMagus has joined #cv
* Heretic sets mode: +v TGMagus
<TGMagus> whoa, not opped.
* TGMagus exits.
* TGMagus has left #cv
* TGMagus has joined #cv
* ChanServ sets mode: +o TGMagus
* Heretic sets mode: +v TGMagus
<TGMagus> Bettarrrrr!
<rune> behold!
<Heretic> yeah, the server broke
<Heretic> again
<TGMagus> G'evening, fellas (and Sara).
<Heretic> it seems to have a monthly period
<TGMagus> Nah, I came in too quickly.
<Heretic> no, the server really did break
<Heretic> look at Radioserv
<TGMagus> I clicked 'join #cv' before I was recoginzed by 
<rune> the last moments of your loved ones life!
<TGMagus> whoa Radioserv isn't opped.
* rune attacks sarah
<TGMagus> ;o
<rune> =P
* Radioserv has left #cv
<Heretic> server fail
<Heretic> http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/thumb/
* Radioserv has joined #cv
* Heretic sets mode: +v Radioserv
<TGMagus> wh0a!
* Heretic voices Radioserv for great justice
<rune> im kinda tempted to watch the new nightmare on elmstreet
<Heretic> i'll watch it
<Heretic> as a telesync
<TGMagus> but if it's not OP, then it's no gooooooooood.
<rune> hard to imagine someone other then robert englund 
  playing freddy though
<TGMagus> I sw that movie.
<rune> good?
<TGMagus> It was... ok.
<TGMagus> It was not memorable enough.
<Heretic> Robert England IS Freddy Krueger
<Heretic> you cant take him away
<rune> yeah
<TGMagus> Plus Roscharch playing Krueger is plain.
<Heretic> Ha, i wondered if that was the same actor
<TGMagus> Seriously, not nearly enough punch in the words.
<rune> i read at one point a while back billy bob torten was 
  gonna play freddy
<rune> lmfao
<Heretic> Torten
<Heretic> lol
<TGMagus> I'm still not sure if it's the same actor actually, 
<rune> thorten*
<rune> yeah yeah
<Heretic> Thornton?
<TGMagus> Thirteen!?
<TGMagus> :p
<rune> gimme a break dude im not a good speller
<rune> =\
<TGMagus> :o
<Heretic> Bilboa Baggins Thornton
<TGMagus> :/
<TGMagus> Billy Joe Bob Brain
<Heretic> You need auto correct
<Heretic> like cell phoens have
<Heretic> phones
<Heretic> *cough*
<TGMagus> myes
<TGMagus> like my Droid.
<rune> mirc doesnt have anything like that
<Heretic> like mah Hero
<rune> atleast not that i know of
<rune> maybe a script
<TGMagus> it fixes i'm and 'they're', etc.
<Heretic> Until you screw up and add a word that you didnt 
  want and it suggests that
<Heretic> until you remove it from the dictionary
<TGMagus> Facebook keeps foolishly thinking I use a Hero 
  instead of a Droid.
<Heretic> lol
<Heretic> bwahaha
<TGMagus> Also, they finally blocked Facebook/Twitter at work, 
  due to some idiot Temp fucking it up for everyone.
<Heretic> Ouch
<Heretic> sucks dude
<TGMagus> The Owner walked into the vault and she was on FB 
  instead of doing work, checking pictures & stuff...
<Heretic> weakest link always breaks the chain
<Heretic> and so forth
<TGMagus> ...so he fired her on the spot, then went to IT and 
  had them block it and Twitter FOREVAR.
<TGMagus> 'cuz he's a 'Tard.
<Heretic> nooooo, not twittar
<TGMagus> LOL thankfully I care not about Twittar.
<Heretic> I DO care about twittar
<Heretic> i use dat
<TGMagus> But, I can no longer check when my friends are doing 
  stuff about Movies on Fridays, based on FB.
<TGMagus> And I've been too busy to care, anyway, so I haven't 
  felt the boredom smack me across the face yet.
<TGMagus> BUT, I do know that other people at the company are 
  getting withdrawal syndrome.
<Heretic> they'll adjust
<TGMagus> Yea, I've seen you talk about it.
<Heretic> we humans are adaptable beings
<TGMagus> I've also seen you talk crap about Pokemon (it's for 
  stupid little kids) even though I play it.
<TGMagus> :p
<Heretic> i mainly talked about the douchebag CEO
<TGMagus> So I'm a stupid little kid.
<Heretic> Why, you spyin on me, brah
<TGMagus> I randomly check if Radioserv crashes.
<rune> pokemon LOL
<TGMagus> It's a good cockfightin' system, lol.
<TGMagus> So yes, not by choice, I've seen the talks that go 
<TGMagus> Also, new person trying to join the Forum (which is 
  why I'm here).
<TGMagus> 'cuz it's certainly not important for me to be here, 
<TGMagus> I don't seem to be welcome, any longer, what with me 
  being a stupid little kid, nowadays.
<Heretic> Dude, why are you acting like a petulant child about 
  these things? you use to be so thick skinned.
<Heretic> now you let minor things bother you
<TGMagus> I realized that the more thick skinned one is, the 
  more one gets attacked, needlessly.  If I let people know my 
  problems right away, I see who my real friends are (they're 
  the ones that stop the nonsense) and the ones who aren't 
  (the ones that continue on 'cuz they can).
<Heretic> You mean the ones who just congruously agree with 
  your every notion?
<TGMagus> It's called being social.
<TGMagus> In real life, you'd get a fist in the face from a 
  stranger if that were to happen.
<Heretic> Am I supposed to not have an opinion on things, and 
  am I supposed to keep my head down low and walk on eggshells 
  when you're not hear, because you're offended by what 
  Radioserv tells you?
<Heretic> Funny, I get along just fine with strangers.
<TGMagus> No, that's why I don't log on.
<TGMagus> So that you can be whom you want to be.
<TGMagus> I'm on right not to ask about a particular poster 
  who's been logging on as of late trying to make an account, 
<TGMagus> Business.
<Heretic> So, you're saying you can't be around people with 
  alternate opinions? Thats why you wont join?
<Heretic> That's so....sad.
<Heretic> You used to not care at all.
<TGMagus> I love the way you belittle me, these days.
<Heretic> And that was something to admire
<TGMagus> It's been kind of a constant thing, it seems.
<Heretic> Dude, you're belittling my style of talk
<Heretic> Right now
<Heretic> as we speak
<TGMagus> You've always done it, I'm below you all the time.
<TGMagus> "It's so... sad" <---that.
<Heretic> If you dont care for my opinions on Pokemon and 
  facebook, set me to ignore.
<Heretic> But abandoning the chat for that, is childish
<Heretic> But it's your choice.
<TGMagus> I abandoned the chat 'cuz you said it was not 
  necessary for me to be here.
<TGMagus> Which is true.
<TGMagus> I don't need to be here, most of the time.
<Heretic> I've never said you were below me, thats just how 
  you personally take it.
<TGMagus> You don't care about what I think or say, and that's 
<Heretic> And obviously you dont care about the same for me.
<TGMagus> I did care, which is why I stopped doing anything 
  that would be annoying to you.
<TGMagus> Including logging out.
<TGMagus> I care so much, that I choose not to be here, just 
  for you.
<TGMagus> That's the opposite of not-caring.
<Heretic> But why do you take my opinions so personally?
<TGMagus> Because you're my friend... or were, at one point.
<Heretic> You act as if Im personally attacking you because I 
  dislike facebook
<Heretic> or pokemon
<Heretic> its not against you
<Heretic> its against them
<TGMagus> Anyway, we got a guy logging in, so I gotta check if 
  you've seen suspicious activity.
<Heretic> You're not representing them 
<TGMagus> Yes, I am, actually.
<Heretic> They represent themselves
<Heretic> What?!
<TGMagus> "I hate spics... not you though, Jorge"
<Heretic> WHAT?!
<Heretic> When did I ever say that
<TGMagus> You never did.
<TGMagus> But it's the same thing
<Heretic> No, way is that the same
<TGMagus> "Facebook if for faggot queers who seek attention... 
  except Jorge"
<Heretic> You're talking about a big issue, such as racism
<Heretic> you're compressing racism into Facebook and Pokemon?
<Heretic> are you kidding me?
<TGMagus> or "Pokemon is for stupid kids" even though I play 
<Heretic> They are not analogous
<TGMagus> So, I'm a stupid kid.
<TGMagus> And that's OK.
<TGMagus> but I grow tired of defending my point everywhere I 
  go, regarding things I like.
<Heretic> So you can have your opinion and I can have mine
<Heretic> Why do you feel the need to defend yourself 100% of 
  the time
<TGMagus> Problem is, you're outspoken about yours, and I keep 
  mine to myself.
<Heretic> with regards to sub topics
<Heretic> like piokemon and facebook
<Heretic> Haha
<TGMagus> If I dont' do it, who else will?
<Heretic> You're free to say what you want about anything in 
  here. Whose stopped you
<TGMagus> I stopped myself 'cuz it's taxing on the soul.
<TGMagus> So rather than defend myself every time you say crap 
  about it, I just log out.
<TGMagus> But now I realize logging out more often is better.
<Heretic> But you're telling me that you cant say what you 
  want here.
<Heretic> Right?
<TGMagus> So like I said, I've this one dude logging in.  
  Please check his logins to see if you've seen him before.
<TGMagus> It's true... I can't.
<Heretic> So apparently I cant either.
<TGMagus> This place is not a safe place for me, but by me 
  logging out, I'm making it free for you.
<Heretic> Because Im under the vigilant eye of a bot, so I 
  have to watch my mouth, or you'll come in and say Im sayinvg 
  something annoying.
<Heretic> You know it works both ways
<TGMagus> It doesn't 'cuz I only check Radioseve cuz I have 
  to.  most of the times I don't, and I don't search the logs.
<TGMagus> It just happened to be on, in that conversation, at 
  the time.
<TGMagus> If you'd like, I can remove Radioserv as well.
<Heretic> Bullshit, you always seem to have a handle on whats 
  going on with Radioserv. Hes yours eyes and ears into here. 
  And now you're passing judgment on what Im saying when 
  you're not even here.
<TGMagus> No one here tunes to the Radio, and very few people 
  check the stats.
<Heretic> That is up to you, man.
<Heretic> I wont tell you how to handle your hardware.
<TGMagus> Would you like for me to remove Radioserv?
<Heretic> But Im just saying, its a two way street.
<Heretic> You're calling me out for making it a place you cant 
  speak your mind.
<Heretic> When in fact, I cant either.
<TGMagus> Sure you can.
<Heretic> Yeah, so it can telegraphed back to you, for your 
  perusal whenever. So you can then come in here and feel 
  upset about some opinions I have.
<TGMagus> Listen, I'm here' cuz someone's login is suspicious. 
   Please help me out with that, and I'll log back out and be 
  out of everyone'e hair, just like everyone wants.
<Heretic> Stop doing the thinking for everyone. no one said 
  they wanted you gone.
<TGMagus> No one wants me here, and no one cares, and I'm ok 
  with that.
<Heretic> Seriously, why are you acting this way. You're at 
  99% emo right.
<Heretic> It's weird and disconcerting.
<Heretic> Its not the Jorge I know.
<TGMagus> There's no emotion involved.
<TGMagus> The Jorge you know is gone.... he's been gone for a 
  while, now.
<Heretic> Then that is a sad thing.
<TGMagus> It's better for everyone.  No need to be sad.
<Heretic> Because that Jorge was an easy person to get along 
<Heretic> and a good friend
<TGMagus> Thanks, that's a nice thing to say.
<Heretic> Why are you acting so self sacrificing?
<Heretic> Seriously wtf is wrong.
<Heretic> You've actually got me worried at this point.
<TGMagus> Do not worry abou- LOL seriously I was gonna type 
  'don't worry'.
<TGMagus> Heretic, you never cared, so it's really no problem. 
   Seriously, it's fine.
<Heretic> The fuck I didnt. Dont you try to begin to 
  understand how I feel about someone.
<TGMagus> Please just check the login that I've been seeing 
  and check if it's suspicious, and I'll log back out and you 
  can continue chatting.
<TGMagus> It's no big deal.
<Heretic> You're making me out to be the bad guy here, and 
  you're being self sacrifcing to bolster your own conscience.
<Heretic> You are a sad sack, mister. Fine, go ahead and leave.
<TGMagus> I will once you answer the query I sent.
<TGMagus> I mean, I can just check stopforumspam.com but it 
  doesn't seem to raise any red flags.
<Heretic> So, you're going to badmouth my character, say Im an 
  uncaring bastard, then request that I perform an action for 
  you, all in one breath?
<TGMagus> it's cox.net so it seems legit.
<Heretic> seriously?
<TGMagus> Um... I'm not badmouthing you.
<TGMagus> I apologize if it seems that I am.
<Heretic> Saying im an uncaring person who never cared, is 
  pretty damning of ones character.
<TGMagus> But, really, it's not important whether I'm here or 
<Heretic> Yes, you've made that abundantly clear
<Heretic> But really, it's BS.
<TGMagus> My being here has never benefitted anyone.
<Heretic> What the fuck narcisstic bender are you on, man?
<Heretic> You're looking so inward on yourself.
<TGMagus> You've only helped me realize this, that mIRC for 
  me, has been a really really giant waste of tine.
<TGMagus> lol tine... meant 'time'.
* Heretic facepalms.
<TGMagus> It's been really fun, but it's not been necessarily 
<Heretic> It's a place for people to congregate and talk.
<Heretic> If you didnt want to be here, you wouldnt have.
<TGMagus> But sometimes we say really unnecessary things.
<TGMagus> really really unnecessary.
<Heretic> And sometimes, we continue to harp on a subject 
<Heretic> We're all guitly.
<TGMagus> Yes, this is true.
<Heretic> You, me. Everyone.
<TGMagus> I'm doing my part by not being here.
<Heretic> Yeah, that's not doing anything, except dropping the 
  ball, but if its what you need to self medicate, then so be 
<TGMagus> I dropped the ball?
<TGMagus> Explain.
<Heretic> You're giving up.
<Heretic> You wont show up and be active here anymore.
<Heretic> I call that giving up.
<Heretic> Most people online know there's going to be 
  differing opinions. They dont get so bent out of shape over 
<TGMagus> It's because it's not necessary.  Aside from regular 
  bot duties that Radioserv can take great care of, I don' 
  trelaly need to be here.
<Heretic> And then ragequit for 3 months.
<TGMagus> 'don't' really'
<TGMagus> I'm not angry, so there's no rage.
<Heretic> You're fishing for an apology from me. A mea culpa.
<Heretic> You want me to beg you to stay.
<Heretic> No.
<TGMagus> You're never gonna do that, even if I wanted that.
<TGMagus> You're too big for that.
<Heretic> My actions have not been unjustified.
<Heretic> Ive acted as any other person along the Internet has.
<Heretic> I have my opinions, you dont like them. You have 
  yours, and I dont like all of them.
<Heretic> But I dont quit, come back 3 months later under the 
  guise of "lol redrums causing trouble" only to say "well, im 
  no longer needed anymore"
<TGMagus> Thing is, I'm not a dick about the ones I know you 
  don't like... but that's another story dude.  Really, it's 
  not a problem.
<TGMagus> You're making this a lot bigger than it really is.
<Heretic> So, you're quitting because your eFeelings were hurt?
<Heretic> You know, it was never aimed directly at you.
<TGMagus> I'm quitting because I had an epiphamy.
<Heretic> And YOU KNOW that.
<TGMagus> This place is an awesome place... but it's also a 
  waste of time.
<Heretic> But you seem to like the bear the burder of taking 
  the brunt of criticism for Facebook and Pokemon.
<Heretic> burder
<Heretic> lol
<Heretic> burdern
<Heretic> argggh\
<TGMagus> yikes
<Heretic> burden*!
<Heretic> there we go :P
<TGMagus> ^_^
<TGMagus> xD
* TGMagus lawlz
<Heretic> come on man, lets just set our differences aside
<Heretic> and moveon
<Heretic> move on!
<TGMagus> You know I can no longer do that.
<TGMagus> Sorry...
<Heretic> Well, that's your decision. If that's how you're 
  gonna handle it. I won't stop you.
<TGMagus> That was pretty funny though.
<TGMagus> Your mistyping.
<TGMagus> YOu can blame your missing I key!
<TGMagus> or malfunctioning keyboard.
<TGMagus> or did you ever get a new one?
<Heretic> Yeah, my hands are sweaty, hot in the house.
<Heretic> I did get a new keyboard, some time ago.
<TGMagus> lol then you're fuxx0ring up, chief! :P
<Heretic> Yup, Im just failing on my own.
<TGMagus> So are you gonna help me out with this IP or what?
<Heretic> It happens.
<Heretic> I dont mind helping you. But I am not pleased with 
  the state of affairs between you and me.
<Heretic> Or between you and this channel.
<TGMagus> It's ok.  It allows you to be whom you wanna be.
<TGMagus> It's a sacrifice that must be made.
<Heretic> Lol, there we go again, sending yourself to the 
  pits, so you can feel good that you "let me fly"
<Heretic> What a self serving maneuver
<TGMagus> OMG I didn't mean for it to come out that way.  by 
  'you' I mean 'anyone'.
<TGMagus> It's less headaches for everyone.
<Heretic> It doesnt matter.
<Heretic> You're creating a big stink over minor quibbles.
<Heretic> Which is akin to a kid whining over spilt milk.
<Heretic> WHY?
<TGMagus> I don't have to defend my point, and people don't 
  have to continue being trolles to me.
<TGMagus> lol trolles
<TGMagus> ;P
<Heretic> Trollies?
<Heretic> DING DING?
<Heretic> I'm not trolling you.
<TGMagus> DING DING DING went the bell
<Heretic> Not by one iota.
<TGMagus> Ok it looks like you're not gonna check that IP any 
  time soon.
<Heretic> You've obviously already made up your mind. But the 
  way you've laid it out is quite preposterous. I can see you 
  being offended if I personally insulted you. But you're 
  taking the problems I have with a game franchise and a 
  social networking and fashioning it into a reason to exit 
  the channel.
<TGMagus> I'm making it easier for everyone to get along.
<Heretic> As if I stabbed you in the heart because YOU CREATED 
<TGMagus> Less useless debating.
<Heretic> FABCEBOOK?
<Heretic> anyway
<TGMagus> lol fabcebook. XD
<Heretic> Well, it obviously is useless, because you wont 
  listen to reason.
<TGMagus> It's all about F ABCE book! xD
<Heretic> Yeah
<Heretic> sure
<TGMagus> c'mon that was funny.
<Heretic> Why are you mixing this craziness with random 
  smatterings of laughter?
<Heretic> Its as if Im dealing with someone who is two 
<Heretic> It's hard to follow, needless to say.
<TGMagus> Sorry, I really thought it was funny.
<TGMagus> :\
<Heretic> Its not an attack on you, and no need to apologize.
<Heretic> Im just a bit confused by your candor.
<TGMagus> I like to apologize if I've offended... and 
  sometimes if I haven't.
<TGMagus> It makes me weak but I'm OK with that.
* Heretic facepalms again.
<Heretic> Why are you so self deprecating?
<Heretic> You're using it like some kinda of forcefield.
<Heretic> redundant of
<Heretic> oh well
<TGMagus> i really don't know.  I've just realized these days 
  that I probably deserve all that's coming to me.
<TGMagus> You know i've been working overtime for the last 
  four weeks?
<TGMagus> and coming in on Saturdays, too?
<rune> HAH welcome to my world
<TGMagus> I keep thinking... it's my fault, 'cuz I don't speak 
  up for myself.
<Heretic> So, let me get this straignt, you're upset about 
  work, and you're dumping on minor niggles you've had with me 
  over the years, and ultimately leaving the channel because 
  of it?
<rune> its a bitch eh?
<TGMagus> I don't tell people when I have a problem with 
  something, so they just push and push.
<Heretic> I am sorry that your work situation is a bitch dude.
<TGMagus> It's not you, it's people in general.
<TGMagus> I've been brought up to have a tough skin, and let 
  things go, and to not let things get to me, etc.
<Heretic> I am sorry they dont treat you well, or with 
  respect, but I am and have been your friend, and though I 
  may say things you dont agree with, its never changed that 
  fact. perhaps you dont believe this, and think im a horrible 
  person who attacks your every idea.
<Heretic> But this is not true.
<Heretic> 95% of the stuff we've talked about we;'ve gotten 
<TGMagus> And it's worked out for a while... but lately it 
  seems that if you don't say anything, nothing will ever 
<Heretic> And you're gonna throw that all away?
<Heretic> So, this Jorge 2.0, if you will, is going to 
  basically dismiss all his old friends that ever annoyed him 
  and didnt change to bend to his will on certain issues, like 
  facebook, pokemon, etc...
<TGMagus> If it makes them happier and allows them to post 
  with no remorse, I'm willing to take that sacrifice.
<Heretic> I would feel better if you were in interactively 
  participating, instead of peering through the looking glass 
  to catch glimpses of my sayings.
<Heretic> in here
<Heretic> That's just awkward.
<TGMagus> Again, that's not a choice.
<Heretic> So, you're basically walling yourself in from 
  everyone who doesnt please you 100%?
<Heretic> okay
<TGMagus> The other day I tried to log on to my radio from the 
  phone and it was failing hard, so I had to check it when you 
  get home.
<TGMagus> Then I saw what I saw.  It was probably not the best 
  thing to have seen, but it cannot be unseen.
<Heretic> And in doing so, you feel you're making life better 
  for those people.
<TGMagus> I'd like to think I am.  After all, it's easier to 
  say whatever you want without some a-hole coming in and 
  chiming a counterpoint.
<Heretic> So you've got a God complex now?
<TGMagus> LOL I'm no god.  Far from it.  I'm lower than all of 
<Heretic> You feel that you can alter the lives of people for 
  the better by removing yourself from it?
<TGMagus> Isn't your life here in IRC better now that I'm no 
  longer here?
<TGMagus> No one has to come in and tell you "Hey, that was 
  kinda mean", etc. etc.?
<Heretic> Ive never said it was better.
<Heretic> Ive never said it was worse.
<TGMagus> Think of me as a banned user.
<TGMagus> I'm sort of self-ban-evading.
* Heretic facepalms yet again
<Heretic> Okay, this is just negative attention you're seeking.
<TGMagus> If Kupo were here, constantly talking crap back, 
  it'd be a pretty big headache for you, no?
<Heretic> I dont talk crap back all the time. You're making me 
  out to be a frigging monster.
<Heretic> and that is most uncouth on your part, imo.
<TGMagus> Or, think of all the times you logged off when 
  people were talking about something you didn't wanna hear.  
  It's kinda exactly there.
<TGMagus> there=that.
<TGMagus> like spoilers.
<Heretic> So Im not allowed to leave for 30 minutes of my own 
  accord? I didnt quite the entire channel.
<TGMagus> It's just a little longer than 30 minutes... just 30 
<Heretic> I merely left to my own devices, so I could 
  concentrate on something else.
<TGMagus> It's the same as vacation.
<Heretic> So, you're leaving for 30 days?
<Heretic> omg, i am getting so confused
<TGMagus> That was actually a guess.  I don't know for how 
  long I've been not-here.
<TGMagus> Doesn't matter, as like I said, most of the stuff I 
  talked about was unnecessary anyway.
<Heretic> I didnt count the days.
<Heretic> I wager it was around 2-3 months, I duno exactly.
<TGMagus> If someone's talking nonsense for a while, it's ok 
  if they leave, right?
<Heretic> Who ever said it MOST of the stuff you said was 
<Heretic> And why you do need such validation to continue your 
  existence in a channel?
<TGMagus> I guess it's one of those tree-in-the-forest-does-it-
  make-a-sound deals.
<TGMagus> I don't make a sound.
<TGMagus> You still haven't helped me out with that IP... >_>
<Heretic> No, its not that at all. It's you choosing think 
  that everyone (or by everyone you mean just me) thinks 
  you're unccessary being here, which is just wrong. No one 
  has said you're not welcome ehre.
<Heretic> You're taking it upon yourself to come to that 
  conclusion based on nebulous evidence.
<TGMagus> Do I need to be here?
<Heretic> You need to be here, if it suits you. You are 
  welcome here, no one has said otherwise. Why do you need to 
  be specifically told, if you need to be here?
<TGMagus> Right now, I do, for that IP.  But the channel has 
  gone by just fine without my presence.
<TGMagus> You've even gotten a few more new members, as you 
  pointed out last time.
<TGMagus> Really, there's even less of a need for  me to be 
  here now, than before.
<Heretic> The channel survives without your being here, yes. I 
  wont deny that. But it sounds to me like you need be 
  "WANTED" to stay here.
<TGMagus> Well, 'want' and 'need' are two different things.
<TGMagus> No one 'needs' to be here, which is why I say that 
  it's not necessary for me to be here.
<TGMagus> That fact has been pointed out.
<Heretic> You're talking in circles.
<Heretic> We're getting no where.
<TGMagus> What do you want from me?
<Heretic> I want to understand your self defeating attitude.
<TGMagus> I probably should not have logged on... I'm causing 
  trouble and distress.
<Heretic> Because its not the attitude I expect from you.
<Heretic> Not the one Ive come to know form you at least.
<Heretic> from
<Heretic> Its completely opposite to what you've been in the 
<Heretic> It's disconcerting at best.
<Heretic> You havent caused me distress, you've caused me to 
  wonder wtf is going on.
<Heretic> Something underlying is causing this kind of talk.
<Heretic> it must be revealed
<Heretic> or we will spin our wheels forever
<TGMagus> So are you gonna help me out with that IP? <_<
<Heretic> So, you're just gonna set this all aside, and 
  business as usual?
<Heretic> backburner time eh?!
<TGMagus> what?
<Heretic> splendtactular
<TGMagus> There's no underlying mystery.
<TGMagus> I kind of wish there was.
<Heretic> There's something going on, thats not being said or 
  revealed in some form or fashion.
<TGMagus> That way we can bundle this up and get closure of 
  whatever it is that you're looking for.
<Heretic> Dude, if you dont want to give me an explanation as 
  to the sudden 180 in your actions/feelings towards me and 
  this channel, then you dont have to.
<TGMagus> ok.
<TGMagus> I love this channel, but it's better for it that I'm 
  not around.
<Heretic> It's between you and.....well, it's just between you 
<Heretic> Well, Im glad you think you know whats best for 
<TGMagus> I'm sure after I log off with Radioserv, people will 
  be glad.
<Heretic> No, people wont be glad, they'll be like, wtf is 
  wrong. why is he acting so different from his norm.
<Heretic> Not gladness
<Heretic> Wonderment.
<TGMagus> Actually Radioserv cannot even op people right now.
<TGMagus> So really, it's even more needless.
<Heretic> Um, well, you could enter its password, and then get 
  it opped
<Heretic> its probably a 10 second process
<TGMagus> I thought it had it.
<TGMagus> Hold on.
* Radioserv has left #cv
* Radioserv has joined #cv
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Radioserv
* Heretic sets mode: +v Radioserv
<TGMagus> OH yeah, look at that.
<TGMagus> :D
<TGMagus> It should've auto-done that.
<Heretic> It should, but the server did that to me too
<Heretic> I didnt auto op me the first time
<Heretic> i dont know why
<TGMagus> :\
<TGMagus> That's asstastic.
<Heretic> See? Look at this.
<TGMagus> But you're Op now, so no worries, right?
* TGMagus hates that he has to go to work tomorrow morning... 
<Heretic> You're acting normal now. But then you'll switch and 
  turn int V is for Vendetta masked man again.
<Heretic> And act all "this is the best for the channel, and 
<TGMagus> lol there's no vendetta.
<Heretic> and i'll sigh like "Kiff Kroaker"
<TGMagus> I care about this channel a lot.
<TGMagus> LOL!!! (doesn't know what kiff kroaker is)
<TGMagus> is it that Futurama guy?
<Heretic> The alien in Futurama
<Heretic> Zapp Branigans partner
<TGMagus> LOL Mr.Groantastic guy.
<Heretic> That's how I've been groaning for the last hour
<Heretic> :|
<TGMagus> He always groans 'cuz Brannigan's so full of it.
<TGMagus> xD
<Heretic> exactly
<TGMagus> HAY wait a minute you're calling me Brannigan!
<Heretic> You're being full of it.
<Heretic> With this attitude of yours
<TGMagus> but but but I'm being anti-full of it!
<TGMagus> I'm the least full of it.
<Heretic> YES, you are O_O
<TGMagus> I'm anti-fulll.  Empty-it, guy right now.
<Heretic> snap out of it dammit, and act like the friend i 
  knew :|
<TGMagus> I couldn't be more empty.
<Heretic> or how about dont "act"
<Heretic> be
<TGMagus> You hated that guy.
<Heretic> Who says?
<TGMagus> It seemed.
<Heretic> becaue I hate FB and Pokemonz?
<Heretic> lol
<TGMagus> No, lawlz.
<Heretic> so a fraction of a percent
<TGMagus> Just, everywhere.
<TGMagus> a little bit, everywhere.
<Heretic> Give me an example
<Heretic> What do I hate
<TGMagus> Hmmm...
<TGMagus> Well aside from those things, you never played me in 
<TGMagus> Like, ever.
<Heretic> I'll level with you.
<Heretic> You want to hear why?
<TGMagus> I'd probably be better off not knowing.
<Heretic> Because I hated the game, but you liked it so much, 
  and I didnt want to hurt your feelings.
<TGMagus> See?
<Heretic> Wow, a friend would never want to hurt another 
  friends feelings.
<Heretic> SO THATS BAD?
<TGMagus> That's what I do all the time with you.
<Heretic> That was one thing.
<TGMagus> That's why I supressed talking crap about cars after 
  I saw how much it made you sad.
<Heretic> Talk crap about cars.
<TGMagus> No.
<TGMagus> It makes you sad.
<Heretic> It doesnt make me sad. I always thought it was an 
  inside job. You'd talk crap about it and I'd act upset. But 
  I guess not.
<Heretic> If you dont like cars, you dont like cares.
<Heretic> So be it
<Heretic> You dont drive one, so I can imagine they'd be low 
  on your list of caring.
<TGMagus> That's what good friends do, they prevent one 
  another from feeling bad about schtuff.
<TGMagus> I got into not-badtalking them primarily because of 
<Heretic> I honestly thought it was an inside joke :|
<Heretic> I was never really offended by the talk
<TGMagus> Aand it'd be an all-around thing, so I started doing 
  it even when you wernen't on.
<TGMagus> weren't.
<Heretic> Like when you'd say SEGWAY
<Heretic> I just thought that was an offshoot of the cars 
  thing... oh well, i guess i fail at inside jokes
<Heretic> or we both do...or who the hell knows
<TGMagus> Shall I think of another example?
<Heretic> Sure why not.
<TGMagus> Ok gimme a while, it's been quite a bit.
<Heretic> Let me guess, the not going to Six Flags
<TGMagus> No, that wasn't it.
<TGMagus> You can't really fault a physical trip when 
  financial times are hard.
<Heretic> That was both logistics and scheduling problems
<Heretic> true
<TGMagus> I can't very well force you when you're unemployed, 
  and even when you were, stuff always came up.
<TGMagus> So no that's a terrible example.
<Heretic> Im unemployed, but Im managing with freelance, and 
  some hardware repair stuffs
<Heretic> its not the best ever, but its better tha nothing
<Heretic> than
<TGMagus> Oh I did freelance stuffs on Wednesday.  Got paid an 
  extra $200. :D
<TGMagus> For doing two CAD pictures.  It was pretty rocking.
<Heretic> Good. Nothing wrong with some extra income.
<TGMagus> Plus the guy paid with BENJAMINS.
<TGMagus> ATMS always give 20's!
<TGMagus> I'm too familiar with Jacksons, that I had forgotten 
  what BENJAMINS looked like!
<TGMagus> lawlz!
<Heretic> Breaking Benjamins...they always check the magnetic 
<Heretic> and look at you like...what are you doing with this
<TGMagus> They do that with even 5's these days, actually.
<Heretic> and then hit it with the Sharpie
<TGMagus> they hold it up to the light & whatnot.
<Heretic> Yeah, like you said, times are tough, everyone $1 
<TGMagus> brb tinkle time for a bit.
<Heretic> ok
* TGMagus is back!
<Heretic> wb
<TGMagus> so, how about that IP?
<Heretic> so, you can quickly exit and not come back, unless 
  you deem its okay?
<TGMagus> Well, I do have to work tomorrow...
<Heretic> True.
<TGMagus> It is gettin' kinda late...
<Heretic> But this is isnt over
<Heretic> aRGH
<TGMagus> xD
<Heretic> ambigious!
<TGMagus> what
<Heretic> ARGH
<TGMagus> xD
<TGMagus> vaginia!?!?
<TGMagus> :P
<Heretic> if you dislike my way of talking so, then why are we 
  getting along fine now? or are you going to attribute that 
  to your superior coping skills?
<TGMagus> LOL Maybe!
<TGMagus> xD
<TGMagus> Sorry, couldn't resist.
* Heretic slaps forehead
<Heretic> ow that hurt that time
<Heretic> anyway....no this is NOT over
<Heretic> it can be PAUSED
<Heretic> but its not over
* TGMagus is rofling over here.
<Heretic> Yogi Bera, it aint over till its over
<TGMagus> I'll log in tomorrow if I can.
<Heretic> So, you can continue to sing reasons why you 
  shouldnt log in anymore?
<TGMagus> There are many, y'know.
<Heretic> And thats it for the good of the channel :|
<Heretic> Stop drinking the Koolaid and wake up
<TGMagus> I haven't thought of any reasons to log in... 'cept 
  for checking with you as a MOd for IP addresseseseses.
<Heretic> Great, so now I'm your outsourced IP consultant and 
  nothing more?
<TGMagus> Weather Channel is playing Hogwarts music during 
  Local on the 8's... whyyyy
<TGMagus> No you're a mod, did you forget?
<Heretic> :|
<TGMagus>  I mean, I could ask other Mods, but you're the most 
  easily accessible one at night.
<Heretic> Yes, yes. I know that, but you
<Heretic> re basically making everything a business 
  transaction now
<Heretic> Its not for social interactivity, its not BUSINESS
<Heretic> it's FOR
<Heretic> man, im tired
<TGMagus> I was on a few days ago for non-business reasons!
<Heretic> Yeah, was that difficulty?
<TGMagus> Like, for a whole evening & somesuch.
<Heretic> -y
<Heretic> I mean did you totally feel unwanted?
<Heretic> I mean I know I threw a box of daggers at you
<TGMagus> Most of the time, yes.
<TGMagus> :\\
<Heretic> Lol
<Heretic> When you talked, I replied
<Heretic> How did that make you feel unwanted?
<TGMagus> I don't want a pity party, but I'm not really wanted 
  here, and not needed is already been established.
<Heretic> You cant see the forest for the trees, man.
<TGMagus> Really, that sentence alone is gonna escalate this.
<Heretic> But anyway, go get some sleep.
<Heretic> Have fun!
<TGMagus> ergh... at work?  Not really. :\
<TGMagus> I wish I could just sleep and wake up tomorrow.
<Heretic> I meant sleeping, not work. Btw, the IP address is 
  in Virginia.
<Heretic> So its not OotG
<Heretic> Or not likely.
<TGMagus> That's cool... but in the time we've been here we 
  got another IP.
<TGMagus> XD
<Heretic> Oh criminy.
<TGMagus> It's ok, gimme a sec and I'll paste it.
<TGMagus> I still haven't accepted that Felsparteen guy from 
  last time.
<Heretic> Thats from Governator Land.
<Heretic> the new one
<TGMagus> I also looked at the logs an some bot has been 
  attacking our site somethin' fierce!
<Heretic> Khalifhorneea
<TGMagus> like, constantly for months.
<TGMagus> xD
<Heretic> Yeah that bot is a pain.
<Heretic> Thats that medication bot
<Heretic> He really wants to give people Viagra boners I guess.
<Heretic> I dunno.
<TGMagus> I cleaned up the logs only two days ago and already 
  we have 1051 PAGES of errors. :\
<TGMagus> PAGES!!!!
<Heretic> 1051
<Heretic> lol
<Heretic> omg
<TGMagus> Myes!
<Heretic> it must try 24/7
* TGMagus pastes the info.
<TGMagus> that IP has been attacking with medication 
  advertisements constantly!
<Heretic> I wish it'd give me something for this headache.
<TGMagus> You'll be fiiiiiiine.
* TGMagus wipes all error log pages cleaaaaan.
<Heretic> So, are you hoping I'll flip out and let fly anger 
  towards this weird behaviour of yours in the past 2 hours? 
  It's not gonna happen. You arent annoying me despite what 
  you profess.
<TGMagus> No.
<TGMagus> You're not the angry type.
<Heretic> Usually, no, I'm not.
<TGMagus> Alright, time for sleepz.
<Heretic> Good night...
<TGMagus> G'night & stuff. :D
<Heretic> You too.
* TGMagus has quit IRC (Quit: (ping timeout: 9001 seconds)�)
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