Scott Wolchok

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Scott Wolchok has become an INTERNET superstar during the recent smpctf hacker olympics 2010.

A little background. Scott Wolchok is a graduate student studying computer security at the University of Michigan. He will be speaking at defcon 18 presenting Crawling BitTorrent DHTs for Fun and Profit [1].

Scott did not make the registration deadline and was rather unhappy about not being able to participate. Scott told us of his indepth knowledge in computer security. Pointed out that he taught intro to computer security at University of Michigan. Showed us his guru writeup of a defcon ctf challenge.

Now for the juice.


Yes that would be Scott's username and password for every one of his university machines.

Later in the compitition many lulz were had over his repeated ghosting.

[05:25] -!- swolchok [[email protected]] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by [0x28]seaking)] [Entry removed by 0x28 pwnage card]

So, if your going to defcon 18 and happen to see Scott remember alabaster7cunt for a good laugh.

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