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Name Emirate of Indonesia
Emirat Indonesia (Indonesian)
Motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Gibberish)
Goverment Democratical Presidental Republic (current)
Islamic Theocracy Emirate (Supposedly)
Capital Jakarta
Independence Day August 17th, 1945
Leader Joko Widodo (Illegiminate President)
Ethic Groups
Multiculturalism bitches!!
Currency Indonesian Rupees
Religion Islam 86%
Christianity 10%
Hinduism 1.7%
Buddhism 0.8%
Population 273 milllion







Separatists And Nationalists Dramas

Because some of them are not sastified enough with Indonesian ruling, and even its internal drama in the government, there are separatist movement that calls for secession from Indonesia. Only one of them is still active.

Common characteristics of Anti-Indonesians separatists includes whining about human rights when it doesn't exist, simping to UN in order to get recognisation of their undeserving independeces, so much racism, and many more backward liberal beliefs despite claiming to be against colonisation and imperialism (liberalism was spread through those two).

Free Aceh Movement

Also known in Indonesia as "Gerakan Aceh Merdeka".

"It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever fights under a banner of folly, supporting tribalism, or getting angry for the sake of tribalism, he dies in a state of ignorance.”



—Sunan Ibn Majah 3948 (Sahih)

"The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Whoever fights for a cause that is not clear, advocating tribalism, getting angry for the sake of tribalism, then he has died a death of Jahiliyyah.'"


—Sunan an-Nasa'i 4115

If Aceh ever get independence and seceed from Indonesia, may Allah humilate them altogether with other secular-nationalists Muslim countries who advocate its independence by denying and rejected entry when joining the future Islamic Caliphate, due to their hypocritical Kufr secular-liberal nationalist causes.

Free Papua Movement

Known in Indonesia as "Operasi Papua Merdeka".

Inshaallah, when Indonesia becomes an Islamic Theocracy Emirate, and because OPM brutally oppresses innocent Papuans who are against them, they will ends up like Sasanian Empire.

Pwned Separatists

Beefs with Malaysians

See Also