User:Zaiger/Beefrave is mad as hell

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00:23 -!- Irssi: Starting query in WTFux with beefrave__                                                                                                                   
00:23 <beefrave__> i wish you was there right now.                                                                                                                         
00:25 <beefrave__> if  you could please . take a look at the recent revision on my article. i asked joe to change some things for me he did. meepsheep sees it 
                   fit to revert our stuff over and over i have asked meep to not do it and to leave it the way joe had the article.. could you please do the 
                   same and let him know to leave it alone so we can enjoy it ? i mean its about me. 
00:25 <beefrave__>  you can check out my edf profile page as well as where i asked to leave it alone. 
00:25 -!- beefrave__ [[email protected]] has quit [client exited: ajax IRC Client]
15:46 -!- Irssi: Starting query in WTFux with beefrave_
15:46 <beefrave_> did you get my messages?
15:46 <beefrave_>  also . 
15:47 <beefrave_>  Meepsheep      cant we just be friends bro  Yesterday at 8:20 PM Delete Report Like Comment      beefrave     beefrave          thats all 
                  up to you .      Yesterday at 8:57 PM Delete     Meepsheep     Meepsheep          dont bring my woman into the path of your autistic rage 
                  again      Yesterday at 11:52 PM Delete     beefrave     beefrave          oh? you h
15:48 <beefrave_> im not making this a public thing . but you said i had to get public opinion about it . i went to the person who wrote it . and he changed 
                  the shit for . me.  and meep reverted it . 
15:48 <beefrave_> whats the point oh great owner of the site to have mods /sysops/ if the infight constantly. i come here contribute advertise this site beg 
                  for donations. all that. you saw everything i did. so i dont get any privs for that? 
15:50 <beefrave_> or maybe just once you stepping in and saying HEY MEEPSHEEP. stop cannibiliings our users>before you stated you wold delete the article 
                  becasue you dont want people to tell you to kil yourself. lol . YOU OWN THE SITE. 
15:50 <beefrave_> *cannibalizing 
15:51 <beefrave_> i just wish i could get soem help from you . and in return i ll give you what ever you want. < not my naked ass. but you name it ill give it 
                  to you . i like the article it sheilds me from shit now that i fianlly lost my job . 
15:51 <beefrave_> like before when i asked you to remove it so i would not lose my job over it . you refused i lost my job now the show is my income.
15:53 <beefrave_> its ok for this meepsheep to ontact my exwife and my exinlaws.  but i cant contact the person he is stalking and give up all his info? its a 
                  double standard here Brian.
15:53 <beefrave_> you can feel free to call me and talk about it . GOT MY CHECK BOOK OPEN AND READY.
15:53 <beefrave_> chazz aaron beefrave
16:05 <zaiger> are you blaming me for losing your job?
16:05 <beefrave_> nope 
16:05 <zaiger> you just did
16:05 <beefrave_> i told you what they were doing before. 
16:05 <zaiger> i am not getting in the middle of this
16:05 <beefrave_> and you stated " i cant delete that people will tell me to kill myself"
16:05 <beefrave_> they saw it 
16:06 <zaiger> you decided to troll them
16:06 <beefrave_> terminatinon
16:06 <zaiger> they trolled you
16:06 <beefrave_> nope
16:06 <zaiger> you made your own mess
16:06 <beefrave_> hr did there thing .
16:06 <zaiger> it's not my problem
16:06 <beefrave_> nah zaiger. 
16:06 <beefrave_>  its your problem now. 
16:06 -!- beefrave_ [[email protected]] has quit [client exited: ajax IRC Client]
21:12 -!- Irssi: Starting query in WTFux with beefravelover                                                                                                                
21:12 <beefravelover> : y u bein butt mad you never helped me out all you did was uncheck a box. i asked you do to something simple you want to have a power               
                      trip . im not stupid i just stick up for myself . you own the site you could take 2 secs out of you day fapping and walking around                   
                      boston to . let meep sheep know not to change our edits . dont act like you did anything for me                                                      
21:12 <beefravelover>  thats all was asked of you . besides lifting the ban . bit thats was only after you listed me and made me notice you on twitter. like               
                      you wanted                                                                                                                                           
21:13 <beefravelover>  so sorry you cant commit to helping users. and then lie about doing so .                                                                            
21:13 <beefravelover> my bad.                                                                                                                                              
21:13 <beefravelover> and you ban me from where ever you want . BUT. this is one site in a tube of billions. ill go where ever i want.                                     
21:15 <beefravelover> and do what i want. and also when i looked up your phone number i found this . One of the legal directors for the American Civil                     
                      Liberties Union, said he thinks opponents might have grounds to do more than just threaten legal action                                              
21:15 <beefravelover> its crazy  .instead of trolling you could be doing some fun shit.                                                                                    
21:16 <beefravelover> but instead you have an fbi. number. thats fucking whack. leave me alone dont contact me again . after what i just read about you .                  
                      damn,  sorry they did that. but  you are the owner of the website.                                                                                   
21:18 <beefravelover> and for the record i didnt get trolled joe and i made edits. and meepsheep reverted them i asked you to contact him and say dont do it .             
                      you would not.                                                                                                                                       
21:18 <beefravelover> ^^> truth also . i                                                                                                                                   
21:44 <beefravelover>  see .  you dont like the truth.                                                                                                                     
21:44 <zaiger> this is me nuetral                                                                                                                                          
21:44 <zaiger> if you would like to see my chaotic                                                                                                                         
21:44 <zaiger> just give the word                                                                                                                                          
21:45 <beefravelover> ? im not mad at you . i just think you should help those who ask you . you read what i typed. im being nuetral. you run a website brian              
                      relax. all im asking you for is help . you are the one calling me names and giving out threats.  so ask him to not do it . and thats                 
                      that. simple easy thing. YOU ARE turning into a long drawn out process.                                                                              
21:46 <beefravelover> and you also fagtagged me . thats not very neutral .                                                                                                 
21:46 <zaiger> i did not                                                                                                                                                   
21:46 <zaiger> and dont threaten me                                                                                                                                        
21:46 <zaiger> i do not own ed                                                                                                                                             
21:46 <beefravelover> i do everything i can for this place. i nvr did and yes you do .                                                                                     
21:46 <zaiger> you are fucking delusional with buttrage                                                                                                                    
21:46 <beefravelover> i saw all the paperwork                                                                                                                              
21:46 <zaiger> ok                                                                                                                                                          
21:46 <beefravelover> i can just send it to you im not lying.                                                                                                              
21:46 <zaiger> considering there is no paperwork                                                                                                                           
21:46 <beefravelover> i have no reason to lie.                                                                                                                             
21:46 <zaiger> you are retarded                                                                                                                                            
21:47 <zaiger> kill yourself                                                                                                                                               
21:47 <beefravelover> Network Whois record Queried with "-B"... % Information related to ' -'                   
                      inetnum: - netname: SrsVPS1 descr: SrsVPS country: RO admin-c: TE1649-RIPE tech-c: TE1649-RIPE status:                 
                      ASSIGNED PA mnt-by: VOXILITY-MNT mnt-lower: VOXILITY-MNT mnt-routes: VOXILITY-MNT changed: noc@                                                      
21:47 <beefravelover>                                                                                                                     
21:48 <zaiger> wtf does that prove?
21:48 <beefravelover> im not either maybe but i read what i read.                                                                                                          
21:48 <beefravelover> and its there.                                                                                                                                       
21:48 <beefravelover> that guy has a real boner for you .                                                                                                                  
21:48 <beefravelover> all i want you to do is controll your pleebs.                                                                                                        
21:48 <beefravelover> and ask him to not do 1 thing.                                                                                                                       
21:48 <beefravelover> i do alot for this place and also .wouldnt mind giving jewgolds here. but .  u kinda are making that hard.                                           
21:49 <beefravelover> ask him to not change my shit around and be powertripper and take off my fagtag i dont do anything to anyone and they all enjoy me                   
                      there. maybe one or two or 3 people dont.                                                                                                            
21:49 <zaiger> i have zero control over meepsheep                                                                                                                          
21:49 <zaiger> and even if i did i have no interest in helping you                                                                                                         
21:50 <beefravelover> ok . brain. . so meepsheep owns the site not you ? or e?                                                                                             
21:50 <beefravelover>  i mean .                                                                                                                                            
21:50 <beefravelover> whats what?                                                                                                                                          
21:50 <beefravelover>  who is who                                                                                                                                          
21:50 <beefravelover> ?                                                                                                                                                    
21:50 <beefravelover> i need to know.                                                                                                                                      
21:52 <beefravelover> i mean if you arent in control.  then someone is above you right>?                                                                                   
21:52 <beefravelover> I NEED THAT PERSON.                                                                                                                                  
21:53 <beefravelover> LOVED YA THOUGHT U WAS THE BEST. AROUND . but know you state you dont own this place even. i mean . u guys made it look like ryan owned              
                      the lulzsect shit. so i guess it could be a typo.                                                                                                    
21:53 <beefravelover> not sure.                                                                                                                                            
21:56 -!- beefravelover [[email protected]] has quit [User has been banned from WTFuxNet (rip)]                  
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