User talk:Daniel Brandt

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Hello, Daniel Brandt

Welcome to Encyclopedia Dramatica! If you want to survive on ED, have a look around (PROTIP: clicking here will significantly reduce your newb rating), and please take note of why other people get banned and don't be those people. That way we can welcome you into our loving e-family and repeatedly abuse and molest you like the siblings and parents you wish you never had. And like all good families, you may then pass the abuse on to the new and more junior members.

As a new member, you probably fall into one of four categories:

  1. The Migrant: The migrant is the experienced wiki user who knows all the formatting tricks, and moved here because other wikis are unfunny. If this is you, please read ED:MIGRANT for tips on adaptation and some basic rules.
  2. The N00b: "So, what's this wiki thingy anyway?" If you don't already know everything there is to know about wiki formatting and code, please read ED:BASIC and the Style Guide. You may also want to check out the essential memes. It will save time.
  3. The Vandal: The vandal is a basement-dwelling retard seeking to give the admins someone to ban, so that they look like they're doing a good job. Please read ED:VIP and then become an hero.
  4. OMG Butthurt: You have an article about you on ED, and you want it gone. You may wish to refer to this to avoid making yourself look like a 'tard before visiting ED:REMOVE

Whomever you are, please don't forget to communicate with other editors through the TJC and IRC.

Welcome to ED!

P.S. - ED is satrical. Miltopia 15:42, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

  • P.P.S. - If I'm not mistaken, the disclaimer that you agreed to by registering says that you have to take your legal concerns up with the guy who posted the stuff you removed in the first place. That means this guy. Miltopia 15:49, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

I only made formatting changes to the libelous part of your article and didn't add or change text, so that leaves me off the hook, right? RoundHouseKickToTheFace 17:01, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Miltopia 17:15, 28 September 2006 (UTC)