Faggot in training

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You know those people who have to constantly brag about something either good or bad in their lives and its not even real. You know your neighbour, he's a faggot in training since they're self-centred pieces of shit that will pound upon their chests like King Kong. These faggots in training will try to make people see how much they are complaining about something or some shitty person who's done them wrong or try to sell you something, to the point that they'll try to keep you away from the truth as these shits are usually known to be nothing more than liars and con-artists trying to wear you down till you agree that they're right and buy something from them. But the fact is as soon as you find out the truth about these lying faggot in training, they start bullying you to believe them instead of those people who told them the truth about them, as they don't want the truth to come to light as it means that they have to admit or try a different tactic of claiming to call the police on you and the person who they were picking on in the first place and the fact of it is, that they's throwing out more hot lies, like a whore on a good day. They usually are people who have extreme self-esteem issues about themselves, so the best way to feed their egos is to create lies and tales about other people and how they wronged you for some mysterious shit which never happened, but only in their minds. When in truth, you know that they're just faggots in training for the big time when they got full blown faggot mode with their chest pounding and their claims will become bigger and more elaborate and the more chances of them being believed instead of not.

Look at me, look how lovely I am. I am a faggot in training.

They love to whine about how beautiful they are, regardless of what they really look like in person or what wonderful stuff that they just spent their rent money on.

See also

Faggot in training is part of a series on


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