
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>Meepsheep at 08:13, 26 November 2011. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.
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T 1322247298 �19*�	�19�HerpDerpington �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322247542 �23*�	�23HerpDerpington has quit (��23��Read error: Connection reset by peer��23)
T 1322248117 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Is chat dead?
T 1322248143 �19*�	�19�lolster1 �(4b7801ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322248157 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hey members of anti ed!
T 1322248183 �18�<�lewrker�>��	hi!!
T 1322248191 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i am a mod here
T 1322248201 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	halfop
T 1322248204 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I am trying to grant it
T 1322248206 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yep
T 1322248257 �18�<�lolster1�>��	bill
T 1322248267 �18�<�lolster1�>��	did these guys find anti ed by google?
T 1322248290 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Some of them by ED itself
T 1322248296 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	some of them by Twitter
T 1322248305 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ooh
T 1322248312 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im eating cheese cake
T 1322248332 �18�<�lolster1�>��	:D
T 1322248391 �18�<�lolster1�>��	Dang
T 1322248403 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im so supprised that alot of members joined :D
T 1322248408 �18�<�lolster1�>��	Bill
T 1322248411 �18�<�lolster1�>��	you should make a forum
T 1322248420 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I have one
T 1322248425 �18�<�lolster1�>��	make me mod
T 1322248430 �18�<�Bill9929�>��
T 1322248433 �18�<�lolster1�>��	also add off topic board
T 1322248443 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I have one of those too
T 1322248475 �31�<�exee�>���30	Bill, did you fix the registration problem on the forum?
T 1322248526 �19*�	�19�CLOVAH �(475b8626@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322248549 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Hello!
T 1322248566 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hey
T 1322248570 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Both Lolster and Clovah are from Creepypasta Wikia
T 1322248570 �18�<�lolster1�>��	wtf
T 1322248580 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yeah
T 1322248583 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	What?
T 1322248587 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i have my very  own wiki myself
T 1322248594 �18�<�lolster1�>��	its called wtf-o-meter wiki
T 1322248612 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I think that is your 3rd/4th wiki...
T 1322248630 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ill stick to that one for sure
T 1322248646 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I hope you do....
T 1322248654 �22*�	�26Bill9929� gives channel operator status to�26 lolster1
T 1322248669 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Freenode doesent have halfop
T 1322248677 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	so full op will count as a mod
T 1322248685 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yeah
T 1322248692 �18�<�lolster1�>��	bill
T 1322248694 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i cant register
T 1322248697 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I've never seen most of you...
T 1322248699 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im having difficulties
T 1322248769 �31�<�exee�>���30	BIll9929, did you register the channel?
T 1322248775 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Yes
T 1322248777 �31�<�exee�>���30	ah
T 1322248792 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	There is no command to halfop people on freenode's site
T 1322248819 �18�<�lolster1�>��	bill
T 1322248823 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	what?
T 1322248826 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why can i register to the forum?
T 1322248831 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	idk why
T 1322248836 �18�<�lolster1�>��	it keeps saying my pass is to short
T 1322248836 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	i gotta look into it
T 1322248852 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I wonder who it was that posted that photo of Bill on ED...
T 1322248883 �18�<�lolster1�>��	he has braces
T 1322248962 �19*�	�19�EDSeverus �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322248994 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hello fellow member!
T 1322249013 �19*�	�19�tmayc �(4c690832@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322249013 �18�<�EDSeverus�>��	oh lol
T 1322249020 �18�<�EDSeverus�>��	�
T 1322249021 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ya
T 1322249022 �18�<�lolster1�>��	lol
T 1322249024 �23*�	�23EDSeverus has quit (��23��Client Quit��23)
T 1322249032 �18�<�lolster1�>��	wtf
T 1322249034 �18�<�Joe_e�>��	hello friends
T 1322249041 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hey dude!
T 1322249051 �18�<�lolster1�>��	damnit
T 1322249061 �18�<�lolster1�>��	were having troubles with the forum
T 1322249065 �22*�	tmayc is now known as tmayc-afk
T 1322249088 �22*�	lolster1 is now known as antiaelolster1
T 1322249116 �22*�	antiaelolster1 is now known as antiae-lolster1
T 1322249138 �22*�	Bill9929 has changed the topic to: ED is a dark hole, PM Bill or exee for info on becoming a sysop
T 1322249146 �22*�	antiae-lolster1 is now known as lolster1
T 1322249185 �22*�	lolster1 has changed the topic to: Ed is a place of pure evil. We must fight back! pm bill or exee for info
T 1322249258 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why are yall suddenly afk
T 1322249276 �22*�	Bill9929 has changed the topic to: ED is a place of pure evil. We must fight back! PM Bill or exee for info on becoming a sysop on the wiki
T 1322249547 �18�<�lolster1�>��	brb
T 1322249707 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	You know the WORST PAGE ON ED?
T 1322249728 �18�<�lolster1�>��	what is?
T 1322249745 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	1 WORD
T 1322249752 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	OFFENDED
T 1322249812 �18�<�lolster1�>��
T 1322249819 �18�<�lolster1�>��	look at the bottom of the page
T 1322249826 �18�<�lolster1�>��	middle finger ascii ^__^
T 1322249848 �18�<�lolster1�>��	clover
T 1322249848 �18�<�lewrker�>��	I think that page shouldn't even be on the internet without a warning that it contain sick porno
T 1322249864 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i agree lewrker
T 1322249864 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	OH NO
T 1322249878 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im gonna scare the living shit out of meep next time he trolls
T 1322249878 �18�<�lewrker�>��	my cousin is in law school and he told me you have to check for age before allowing access
T 1322249878 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	A MIDDLE FINGER
T 1322249885 �18�<�lolster1�>��	wanan know what i will say?
T 1322249889 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	OH GOD HELP ME
T 1322249891 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ill say this to him:
T 1322249895 �18�<�lolster1�>��	YOUR BODY SUBMITS
T 1322249898 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	A MIDDLE FINGER!
T 1322249898 �18�<�lolster1�>��	YOUR HEART SUCCUMBS
T 1322249905 �18�<�lolster1�>��	SO WHY DOES UR MIND RESIST?
T 1322249909 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Quit Lolster...
T 1322249912 �18�<�lolster1�>��	like that lewker?
T 1322249912 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	You're scaring me...
T 1322249914 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why?
T 1322249936 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Why would Meepsheep be scared of that?
T 1322249941 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i will say that to meep sheep
T 1322249952 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	She
T 1322249962 �18�<�lolster1�>��	then ill send him a link to a servere version of song of unhealing
T 1322249964 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	She won't care...
T 1322249965 �18�<�lolster1�>��	(bens theme)
T 1322250034 �18�<�lolster1�>��	lewker
T 1322250041 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i mean clover
T 1322250043 �18�<�lewrker�>��	yes ?
T 1322250047 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why is everybody afk??
T 1322250049 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	What?
T 1322250053 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Oh...
T 1322250055 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	IDK
T 1322250061 �18�<�lolster1�>��	maybe working on anti-AE
T 1322250149 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Lolster...
T 1322250154 �18�<�lolster1�>��	?
T 1322250157 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I found out Leroy is 9 years old!
T 1322250165 �18�<�lolster1�>��	O_o
T 1322250173 �18�<�lolster1�>��	he said that?
T 1322250185 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	He said that on another wiki...
T 1322250197 �18�<�lewrker�>��	maybe he was joking
T 1322250198 �18�<�lolster1�>��	o_o
T 1322250203 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	No...
T 1322250215 �23*�	�23tmayc-afk has quit (��23��Ping timeout: 265 seconds��23)
T 1322250224 �18�<�lolster1�>��	wtf
T 1322250232 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i saw a baby doll commercial
T 1322250268 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I invited Leroy to come here!
T 1322250310 �18�<�lolster1�>��	neat
T 1322250344 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Wanna know whats weird?
T 1322250356 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	WIKIA staff just set up a page on THIS wiki
T 1322250362 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	They want me to move this wiki to Wikia
T 1322250384 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why?
T 1322250400 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Because they say it has tons of traffic
T 1322250401 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	What page?
T 1322250404 �18�<�Bill9929�>��
T 1322250514 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Will i move the Wiki to Wikia any time soon?: No
T 1322250523 �31�<�exee�>���30	i think it's just a bot
T 1322250530 �31�<�exee�>���30	i doubt they would host us
T 1322250560 �21��<�lolster1�>���21	@exee i agree
T 1322250601 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	It looks like real Wikia staff
T 1322250750 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I did a botcheck
T 1322250917 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	NOPE
T 1322250921 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	its HAILEY
T 1322250972 �18�<�lolster1�>��	tell her YOUR NOT A WIKI STAFF YOUR HAILEY!
T 1322250997 �18�<�Bill9929�>��
T 1322251049 �31�<�exee�>���30	who is hailey?
T 1322251110 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	ED User: Hailey
T 1322251113 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yeah
T 1322251123 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	She was a regular Wikia member on Creepypasta Wikia
T 1322251132 �31�<�exee�>���30	ah
T 1322251134 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	when she edit warred on someone's talkpage
T 1322251143 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	and she got a week ban
T 1322251147 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	then she evaded
T 1322251151 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	and another week was added
T 1322251160 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	she evaded AGAIN
T 1322251162 �18�<�lolster1�>��	just ban her forever
T 1322251168 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	and i gave her permaban
T 1322251191 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ip ban her >:)
T 1322251232 �18�<�lolster1�>��	haileys a whore
T 1322251365 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	All ED members use torproxy
T 1322251371 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	there is no use of trying to IP ban someone
T 1322251445 �31�<�exee�>���30	yeah
T 1322251463 �31�<�exee�>���30	i guess you could block well-known open proxy ranges
T 1322251468 �18�<�lolster1�>��
T 1322251474 �18�<�lolster1�>��	this will scare hailey
T 1322251483 �18�<�lewrker�>��	they use tor because they all pedophile!!
T 1322251502 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yah
T 1322251565 �18�<�lolster1�>��	who thinks i did a good job on that subject?
T 1322251668 �18�<�Joe_e�>��	what are you guys up to today
T 1322251706 �18�<�lolster1�>��	Nothin much
T 1322251916 �19*�	�19�tmayc �(4c690832@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322251939 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hey
T 1322251983 �18�<�tmayc�>��	:D
T 1322252015 �18�<�lolster1�>��	:3
T 1322252070 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Lolster...
T 1322252088 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I have logs of the IRC
T 1322252093 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Should i post them on the Wiki?
T 1322252107 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	That page is horrible...
T 1322252119 �31�<�exee�>���30	Bill, sure
T 1322252136 �18�<�lolster1�>��	?
T 1322252136 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I'm sorry, but you ARE NOT GOOD AT SCARING PEOPLE!
T 1322252138 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i dont care
T 1322252150 �18�<�lolster1�>��	its only your opinion
T 1322252156 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Why do you expect them to be scared?
T 1322252158 �19*�	�19�cNLrdaDG �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322252163 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i have critisizm
T 1322252165 �18�<�cNLrdaDG�>��	Hello.
T 1322252169 �18�<�lolster1�>��	it isnt for scaring then
T 1322252178 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Then what is it for?
T 1322252179 �18�<�lolster1�>��	critisizm is retarded
T 1322252183 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i dunno
T 1322252185 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i was bored
T 1322252190 �18�<�dramatica�>��	we have to take them down!
T 1322252216 �18�<�tmayc�>��	theyre sight sickens me
T 1322252228 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	GUYS!
T 1322252239 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Leroy told me he is gonna make a PASTA!
T 1322252249 �18�<�tmayc�>��	im shocked that they havent been taken down yet
T 1322252263 �19*�	�19�Thayora �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322252276 �18�<�tmayc�>��	why wont the usa help us in our efforts to take down ed?
T 1322252294 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Truely, Hailey is nice if you are nice to her...
T 1322252328 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	But that may be because I never wanted her to be permab&
T 1322252355 �18�<�lolster1�>��	why does she troll?
T 1322252363 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	She is mad at Bill!
T 1322252372 �31�<�exee�>���30	because she has to take her pathetic life out on other people
T 1322252377 �18�<�tmayc�>��	cyberbullys  come in every gendor
T 1322252386 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	She is a good friend of my actually...
T 1322252421 �18�<�tmayc�>��	oh ime sorrie.
T 1322252431 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I'm not offended...
T 1322252444 �18�<�tmayc�>��	ok kewl
T 1322252462 �18�<�lolster1�>��	brb
T 1322252468 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I just think you are fighting a battle you'll never win...
T 1322252488 �18�<�lolster1�>��	well
T 1322252508 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ill argue with her and say you are wasting minutes of your life trolololol if this happens
T 1322252545 �19*�	�19�Boss__ �(73404824@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322252548 �19*�	�19�Regeguy �(5125ae3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322252553 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	OKAY
T 1322252573 �18�<�lolster1�>��	twitter!
T 1322252626 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I invited Leroy...
T 1322252628 �18�<�tmayc�>��	yes i foiund this thru twitter
T 1322252640 �18�<�tmayc�>��	and the site
T 1322252647 �18�<�tmayc�>��	ii fullie support this efforts
T 1322252650 �18�<�Boss__�>��	and I was here yesterday
T 1322252656 �18�<�Boss__�>��	When it was empty
T 1322252673 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	They are a bunch of sad losers
T 1322252686 �18�<�tmayc�>��	why would people NOT want to tak down ed
T 1322252705 �18�<�tmayc�>��	its a mean horribl slam book for the internt
T 1322252718 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	because people is evil
T 1322252740 �18�<�tmayc�>��	what a wiked world
T 1322252769 �18�<�tmayc�>��	theyre article on pig has a pix of a pg being dcpaitatd
T 1322252776 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yeah
T 1322252783 �18�<�tmayc�>��	i almst puked
T 1322252785 �18�<�lolster1�>��	bill was developing a ddos attack
T 1322252790 �18�<�lewrker�>��	I bet their only tough on the internet and at home they are super nerds who have no friends
T 1322252802 �18�<�tmayc�>��	your attacking theyre dos?
T 1322252803 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yah
T 1322252805 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	Ey, I think Thayora sounds familiar to me
T 1322252808 �18�<�lolster1�>��	no
T 1322252809 �18�<�tmayc�>��	cool
T 1322252809 �18�<�lolster1�>��	lol
T 1322252817 �18�<�tmayc�>��	somebodie should
T 1322252820 �18�<�lolster1�>��	who plays minecraft?
T 1322252826 �18�<�tmayc�>��	attack the hell out of theyre dos
T 1322252827 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	Goodbye...
T 1322252837 �18�<�Boss__�>��	bye
T 1322252838 �18�<�tmayc�>��	shocking
T 1322252841 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im messin around with spider queen mod
T 1322252845 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	disgusting
T 1322252858 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	I hope you win this war, or if not, whatever...
T 1322252859 �18�<�lolster1�>��	minecraft isnt even lagging o_O
T 1322252868 �18�<�lolster1�>��	bill?
T 1322252869 �18�<�tmayc�>��	theyre page is also for affended and it sikcns me
T 1322252891 �18�<�lewrker�>��	how do you ddos ? I want to learn
T 1322252891 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	if they don't blank my article, i'm gonna sue his fat asses
T 1322252902 �18�<�CLOVAH�>��	What did you expect?
T 1322252905 �23*�	�23CLOVAH has quit (��23��Quit: Page closed��23)
T 1322252910 �18�<�Thayora�>��	im on like 15 different channels on this network <<
T 1322252930 �18�<�lolster1�>��	damn
T 1322252939 �18�<�lolster1�>��	were like getting members in a jiffy
T 1322252957 �18�<�tmayc�>��	evryone hates ed
T 1322252965 �19*�	�19�Leroy6 �(475b8626@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322252968 �18�<�lolster1�>��	everybody hates meep sheep
T 1322252970 �18�<�tmayc�>��	also i herd this was posted on b
T 1322252979 �18�<�lolster1�>��	sup leroy
T 1322252981 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	<Thayora> ok, that explains it
T 1322252989 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	WZUZUZUZZUZUZUZUZUZZUZUZP?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
T 1322252998 �18�<�Thayora�>��	i used to be on efnet all the time but it got boring
T 1322253000 �18�<�lewrker�>��	I found it!
T 1322253001 �18�<�lolster1�>��	clover invited him
T 1322253003 �18�<�Thayora�>��	so i just idle freenode most of the time
T 1322253003 �18�<�lewrker�>��	who posted that ?
T 1322253013 �18�<�lolster1�>��	o_o
T 1322253019 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	wut dos it say?
T 1322253036 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Who is Leroy6
T 1322253040 �18�<�lewrker�>��	it's good..but replies are mean
T 1322253046 �18�<�tmayc�>��	see they calld that fat kid a douchnut
T 1322253046 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	i dnt clik on links to b
T 1322253048 �18�<�lewrker�>��	and someone put your picture there
T 1322253052 �18�<�tmayc�>��	like a donut
T 1322253058 �18�<�tmayc�>��	what is a doucnut
T 1322253059 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	so tel me wut it says
T 1322253068 �18�<�lolster1�>��	4 chan even nows o_O
T 1322253074 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GAIS
T 1322253078 �18�<�tmayc�>��	thes ppl sicken meh
T 1322253078 �18�<�lewrker�>��	Hello! We made a website to take the stupid encyclopedia dramatica down!! Come join us at and on IRC channel #AntiEDGroup
T 1322253097 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	wut dose it say????????????????????????????????????
T 1322253102 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	they have a rude article about me, they say I practice sex with my cats
T 1322253109 �18�<�lewrker�>��	thats what it says read up!!
T 1322253115 �18�<�tmayc�>��	that poor fat kid now is plasterd all over ./b/ and that sigt sickns me too
T 1322253115 �23*�	�23Boss__ has quit (��23��Ping timeout: 265 seconds��23)
T 1322253147 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	I don't have sex with my cats, that's a sick lie
T 1322253152 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	wut
T 1322253153 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	dose
T 1322253154 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	teh
T 1322253156 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	post
T 1322253158 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	say????????
T 1322253164 �18�<�lolster1�>��	Looks in banned users*
T 1322253166 �18�<�lolster1�>��	oh shit
T 1322253168 �18�<�lolster1�>��	guys
T 1322253172 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i have to warn you
T 1322253187 �18�<�lolster1�>��	grilvynyl was the queen of ED
T 1322253207 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	dehippo?
T 1322253208 �18�<�tmayc�>��	at lest when she ran it ther was soem order
T 1322253218 �18�<�lolster1�>��	Yah
T 1322253220 �18�<�tmayc�>��	it was still an awful sigt
T 1322253225 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GUYS
T 1322253227 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GUYS
T 1322253228 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GUYS
T 1322253232 �18�<�lolster1�>��	who has a wikia account??
T 1322253234 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	R U DEFF
T 1322253236 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GOD
T 1322253236 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I do
T 1322253239 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	what?
T 1322253248 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	WUT DOSE TEH B POST SAY?
T 1322253248 �18�<�lolster1�>��	heck no leroy
T 1322253257 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	WUT
T 1322253262 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	LOLSTER
T 1322253263 �18�<�lolster1�>��	:/
T 1322253264 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	TELL
T 1322253265 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	ME
T 1322253269 �18�<�lolster1�>��	it said
T 1322253270 �18�<�lolster1�>��	well
T 1322253280 �18�<�lolster1�>��	it was an ad for anti ED
T 1322253286 �18�<�lolster1�>��	but the trolls rolled in
T 1322253298 �18�<�lolster1�>��	now
T 1322253304 �18�<�lolster1�>��	who else has a wikia account?
T 1322253305 �18�<�tmayc�>��	that hole sigt is trolls
T 1322253309 �18�<�tmayc�>��	whole*
T 1322253315 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	haha
T 1322253317 �18�<�tmayc�>��	im bad at spelling
T 1322253325 �18�<�lolster1�>��	regeguy and tmayc
T 1322253331 �18�<�lolster1�>��	do yall have wikia accounts?
T 1322253342 �18�<�tmayc�>��	no
T 1322253344 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	having animal sex is sick
T 1322253344 �31�<�exee�>���30	i dont
T 1322253348 �18�<�tmayc�>��	i am not good with computers
T 1322253359 �22*�	lolster1 has changed the topic to: wierd and retarded japanese videos
T 1322253379 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	why you changed topic?
T 1322253392 �18�<�tmayc�>��	they have terribl drawn porn too... like ppl but their animals
T 1322253396 �18�<�tmayc�>��	haveing sex
T 1322253399 �18�<�tmayc�>��	its gross
T 1322253410 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	yes, that's what i meant
T 1322253419 �19*�	�19�AlphaCentari �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322253424 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	see how awful they are:
T 1322253426 �19*�	�19�stephen �(c087e3a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322253430 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	lol
T 1322253434 �18�<�stephen�>��	hi
T 1322253437 �18�<�lolster1�>��	im bored
T 1322253453 �22*�	stephen is now known as Guest15014
T 1322253459 �18�<�lolster1�>��
T 1322253463 �18�<�lolster1�>��	BANANERS
T 1322253467 �18�<�Guest15014�>��	:(
T 1322253470 �22*�	Guest15014 is now known as MrPants
T 1322253470 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	banana?
T 1322253474 �18�<�lolster1�>��	yah
T 1322253481 �18�<�lolster1�>��	wierd ass japanese banana ad
T 1322253500 �19*�	�19�boss__ �(73404824@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322253526 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	I see
T 1322253531 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	bill9929
T 1322253532 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	You there?
T 1322253540 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	Yea
T 1322253544 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	The thing is
T 1322253545 �18�<�tmayc�>��	regeguy i cliked thats not funny
T 1322253548 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	half of this channel is #ed
T 1322253568 �18�<�Regeguy�>��	no, it isn't, they are sick!!!
T 1322253569 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	and posting the request on /b/
T 1322253571 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	im making a crepyspagheti
T 1322253575 �18�<�lolster1�>��	lol
T 1322253577 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Will get your wiki/forum raided
T 1322253577 �18�<�tmayc�>��	wait this room is for us to tke it down isnt it?
T 1322253578 �18�<�MrPants�>��	lol
T 1322253591 �18�<�tmayc�>��	oh no if im in an ed room mom will b madd
T 1322253597 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	and please try to post an article of more than one sentence
T 1322253597 �18�<�boss__�>��
T 1322253599 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	IM MAKIN A CREPYSPEGTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T 1322253601 �18�<�boss__�>��	vandal!!!!
T 1322253604 �18�<�MrPants�>��	wai u gaiz hat ed
T 1322253607 �18�<�lolster1�>��	o_o
T 1322253615 �18�<�lolster1�>��
T 1322253617 �18�<�lolster1�>��	NOT FUNNY
T 1322253620 �18�<�MrPants�>��	lolster1
T 1322253623 �18�<�lolster1�>��	DISCUSTING!
T 1322253627 �18�<�MrPants�>��	It's lulz
T 1322253628 �18�<�lolster1�>��	what?
T 1322253629 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Lol
T 1322253631 �18�<�tmayc�>��	my mom herd it screming
T 1322253636 �18�<�MrPants�>��	alot of ppl masturbate to it
T 1322253641 �18�<�MrPants�>��	including half this channel
T 1322253641 �18�<�lolster1�>��	AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ
T 1322253643 �18�<�tmayc�>��	sikening
T 1322253645 �18�<�lolster1�>��	AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH lol
T 1322253647 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	LOTS
T 1322253649 �18�<�boss__�>��	ewwwww
T 1322253650 �18�<�MrPants�>��	^
T 1322253665 �18�<�lolster1�>��	instead
T 1322253667 �18�<�MrPants�>��	oh
T 1322253668 �18�<�lewrker�>��	wow lots of people came here today
T 1322253669 �18�<�MrPants�>��	quick question
T 1322253672 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i have a navel fetish :/
T 1322253672 �18�<�MrPants�>��	quick question
T 1322253672 �18�<�MrPants�>��	quick question
T 1322253676 �18�<�lewrker�>��	I didnt know they have so many enemies
T 1322253678 �18�<�lolster1�>��	what
T 1322253679 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	and LOTS
T 1322253684 �18�<�MrPants�>��	ummm
T 1322253686 �18�<�MrPants�>��	I forgot
T 1322253686 �18�<�MrPants�>��	sec
T 1322253688 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Oh yeah
T 1322253694 �18�<�boss__�>��
T 1322253694 �18�<�boss__�>��
T 1322253695 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Why did you guys make articles on ED users
T 1322253696 �18�<�boss__�>��
T 1322253696 �18�<�MrPants�>��	and then
T 1322253698 �18�<�boss__�>��	BLOCK IT
T 1322253699 �18�<�MrPants�>��	put 1 line?
T 1322253700 �18�<�boss__�>��
T 1322253705 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	NOSPEM
T 1322253708 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	NOSPAM
T 1322253709 �18�<�MrPants�>��	is that supposed to be an article?
T 1322253712 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	ANyways
T 1322253717 �18�<�tmayc�>��	have you seen theyre sigt lewrker its no wondr they hve animies
T 1322253720 �18�<�tmayc�>��	enamies
T 1322253731 �18�<�tmayc�>��	sry i am not good at spelling
T 1322253779 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Yeah
T 1322253781 �18�<�boss__�>��	Bill9929: Thanx
T 1322253783 �18�<�MrPants�>��	cuz
T 1322253792 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Grammar isn't important when writing articles for wikis, amirite?
T 1322253811 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Fap
T 1322253812 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	XD
T 1322253812 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	One liiiiine
T 1322253812 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Is not an article
T 1322253813 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	The entire site is one paragraph
T 1322253813 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	well, except if you count the ED article.
T 1322253813 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Which seems copypasta'd
T 1322253813 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	So brb
T 1322253816 �18�<�MrPants�>��	^
T 1322253833 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	XD
T 1322253833 �18�<�lolster1�>��	fuuuuuuuuu
T 1322253835 �18�<�MrPants�>��	oh
T 1322253836 �18�<�MrPants�>��	also
T 1322253841 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	GUYS
T 1322253844 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i cant get that kitten page out of my head o_o
T 1322253844 �18�<�MrPants�>��	I do believe that lulz outdates ED
T 1322253845 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	I CRETED A PASTA
T 1322253847 �18�<�Leroy6�>��
T 1322253851 �18�<�MrPants�>��	lolster1
T 1322253854 �18�<�MrPants�>��	check out offended
T 1322253857 �18�<�MrPants�>��	and Pain Series
T 1322253863 �18�<�MrPants�>��	They'll help
T 1322253864 �18�<�lolster1�>��	?
T 1322253866 �23*�	�23AlphaCentari has quit (��23��Read error: Connection reset by peer��23)
T 1322253868 �18�<�lolster1�>��	ok
T 1322253871 �18�<�lewrker�>��	yeh they make fun of everyone
T 1322253875 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	That is a spam page
T 1322253887 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	no its not
T 1322253893 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	i tryed on it
T 1322253896 �18�<�Leroy6�>��	so its not
T 1322253906 �19*�	�19�AlphaCentari �([email protected]) has joined #AntiEDGroup
T 1322253909 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Derp
T 1322253917 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Did it help?
T 1322253922 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i gotta get a doggy bag!
T 1322253923 �18�<�lolster1�>��	brb
T 1322253939 �18�<�lolster1�>��	hehe
T 1322253943 �18�<�MrPants�>��	So guys
T 1322253947 �18�<�lolster1�>��	i have a suprise for you mrpants
T 1322253950 �18�<�MrPants�>��	Do you really think you can take down ed?
T 1322253952 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Guys
T 1322253952 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��
T 1322253953 �18�<�lolster1�>��	nvm
T 1322253957 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	So awesome
T 1322253975 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	and bill
T 1322253976 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��
T 1322253981 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	You're gonna get backraided
T 1322253981 �18�<�lolster1�>��	eww
T 1322253990 �18�<�Bill9929�>��	I saw that
T 1322254019 �31�<�exee�>���30	meepsheep (or someone associated with him) is posting in it
T 1322254025 �18�<�tmayc�>��	that is gross AlphaCentari
T 1322254031 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Lol
T 1322254032 �18�<�lolster1�>��	WWHAT THE FUCK?
T 1322254033 �18�<�tmayc�>��	itrs a penis being cut off
T 1322254035 �18�<�MrPants�>��	it's not gross
T 1322254035 �18�<�lolster1�>��	WTF>?!?!?
T 1322254039 �18�<�MrPants�>��	It's fapworthy
T 1322254046 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Very fapworthy
T 1322254053 �18�<�Thayora�>��	ok that's just gross
T 1322254055 �18�<�MrPants�>��	oh man
T 1322254055 �18�<�MrPants�>��	I came
T 1322254056 �18�<�MrPants�>��	so hard
T 1322254058 �18�<�MrPants�>��	all over it
T 1322254058 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	I'm sure you fapped to it.
T 1322254061 �18�<�tmayc�>��	see that image was probbly maed by somone from ed
T 1322254063 �18�<�lewrker�>��	maybe we can report the post, they made a modified picture of you with dicks all over it...
T 1322254071 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	Actually
T 1322254078 �18�<�AlphaCentari�>��	It was taken from google images
[15:49] <tmayc> googl shoud be informed
[15:49] <tmayc> reporting
[15:49] <AlphaCentari> Actually
[15:49] <MrPants> Google doesn't give half a dog's last
[15:49] <AlphaCentari> Google images is a
[15:49] <boss__> cya
[15:49] <boss__> I have to go
[15:49] <@lolster1> Reporting me?
[15:49] <MrPants> quick question
[15:49] == mode/#AntiEDGroup [+q *!*] by
[15:49] <MrPants> How old are all of you?
[15:49] <@Bill9929> I am 18
[15:49] <MrPants> I see
[15:49] <MrPants> The rest of you?
[15:50] <MrPants> lolster?
[15:50] == pageblanker
[[email protected]] has joined #AntiEDGroup
[15:50] <MrPants> oshit
[15:50] <MrPants> moar ppl
[15:50] == Beefcake
[[email protected]] has joined #AntiEDGroup
[15:50] <MrPants> OHAI BEEFCAKE
[15:50] <MrPants> WE R HAVIN FUN
[15:50] <pageblanker> HI
[15:50] <Beefcake> HI
[15:50] <Beefcake> HI PAGEBLANKER
[15:50] <MrPants> HAI
[15:50] <pageblanker> WUT iz goin' on in hur
[15:50] <Beefcake> WHAT ARE WE DOING?
[15:50] == Leroy6
[475b8626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page
[15:50] <lewrker> I turn 15 in december
[15:50] <MrPants> WE'RE DOING STUFF
[15:50] <pageblanker> no shit, you gonna get a
[15:50] <lewrker> maybe...
[15:50] == idlesketch
[[email protected]] has joined #AntiEDGroup
[15:51] <MrPants> OSHIT
[15:51] <MrPants> MOAR PEOPLE
[15:51] <Beefcake> I DRIVE A SPORTSCAR
[15:51] <idlesketch> alright, what's the
[15:51] <Beefcake> A CLASSIC SPORTSCAR
[15:51] == mode/#AntiEDGroup [+q *!*@] by ChanServ
[15:51] == idlesketch has changed nick to captainplanet
[15:51] <MrPants> lol
[15:51] <MrPants> You know
[15:52] <MrPants> muting these guys means you can't get
them to stop by other means
[15:52] <@Bill9929> Did Beefcake get quieted?
[15:52] <MrPants> you don't understand how ED
[15:52] == captainplanet has changed nick to sketchasketch
[15:52] <Thayora> it looks like he has
[15:52] == mode/#AntiEDGroup [+q *!*] by ChanServ
[15:53] <@lolster1> offended offended me
[15:53] <MrPants> yeah
[15:53] <MrPants> it did it's job then
[15:53] <sketchasketch> that's the point
[15:53] <MrPants> Of course, it doesn't work on people
with thick skin
[15:53] <MrPants> For example
[15:53] <MrPants> all ediots
[15:53] <MrPants> all btards
[15:53] <MrPants> all...
[15:53] <MrPants> anyone on the internets, pretty
[15:53] == boss__
[73404824@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 265
[15:54] <@lolster1> all 4chan members are
[15:54] == pageblanker
[[email protected]] has quit [Quit: brb with different shell]
[15:54] <MrPants> btards are gr8
[15:54] <MrPants> oh
[15:54] == sketchasketch
[[email protected]] has left #AntiEDGroup []
[15:54] == tragic
[[email protected]] has joined #AntiEDGroup
[15:54] <tragic> herd there was
[15:55] <MrPants> So i herd u liek mudkipz
[15:55] <tragic> a chanel for us now
[15:55] <tragic> swag
[15:55] <tragic> Bill9929: i think
[15:55] <tragic> ewwe can do better
[15:55] <tragic> 2 change the internet and take
[15:56] <MrPants> Bill
[15:56] <tragic> and i wont start hating unless they make
[15:56] <MrPants> You the owner of this?
[15:56] <tragic> Bill9929: lets reove the ed tards
[15:56] <MrPants> reove?
[15:57] <tragic> Thayora dramatica Beefcake AlphaCentari
and probly like every other perso n in h
[15:57] <tragic> remove BITCH
[15:57] <MrPants> Yeah
[15:57] <MrPants> most of this channel is
[15:57] <@Bill9929> Yes, I am the founder of the
[15:57] <MrPants> k
[15:57] <MrPants> just making sure
[15:57] <tmayc> no this chanel is for anti
[15:57] <MrPants> cuz bill
[15:57] <MrPants> They just doxed you
[15:57] <MrPants> soz
[15:57] <tmayc> i though
[15:57] <tmayc> t
[15:57] <@Bill9929> Link me the dox
[15:57] <tragic> no they didnt
[15:57] <MrPants> It's in IRC <3
[15:58] <Thayora> whats dox?
[15:58] <tragic> THATS A WHOIS
[15:58] <MrPants> ed's, that is
[15:58] <tragic> hahahaha
mrpants ur a fag
[15:58] <@lolster1> lol
[15:58] <MrPants> hahaha tragic gtfo my cock
[15:58] <tmayc> reporting
[15:58] <@Bill9929> LINK ME THE DOX
[15:58] <tmayc> reported
[15:58] <tragic> itz
[15:58] <tragic> a /whois
[15:58] <dramatica> Bill9929: how are
[15:58] <dramatica> brian
[15:58] <tragic> #ed is not nothin 2 wory bout
[15:58] <dramatica> and jennifer
[15:58] <dramatica> doing
[15:58] <MrPants> lulz
[15:58] <tragic> i take care of #ed
[15:58] <MrPants> tragic
[15:58] <tragic> i do u a afvor
[15:59] <MrPants> tragic
[15:59] <tragic> ill dox and personally own every single
#ed user for $15
[15:59] <@Bill9929> Brian and Jennifer what?
[15:59] <MrPants> LOLOLOLOL
[15:59] == Bill9929
[[email protected]] has left #AntiEDGroup []
[15:59] <Thayora> ?
[16:00] <lewrker> ? what happen
[16:00] <tmayc> ^isnt he the leader?
[16:00] <Thayora> what just happened
[16:00] <tragic> I'll shut down cities and stall their
organization for small fee
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