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Preliminary Headcount:

Denver, CO: 125-135 (There were 92@Noon, Stop lowballing shit faggots. 120+ Unique protestors have been identified in photos.)
Albuquerque, NM: 20
Austin, TX: 135
Houston, TX: 100
Dallas, TX: 100
San Antonio, TX: 8-12
Harlingen, TX: 2
Indianapolis: 42
Kansas City: 100
Cincinatti: 90
Salt Lake City: 45
Chicago: 200+
Minneapolis, MN: 140
Champaign, IL: 9
Battlecreek, MI: 35
Richmond, VI: 35-50
Memphis, TN: 45
Bilox, MS: 15
Milwaukee, WI: 50-60
St. Louis, MO: 85
Nashville, TN: 40
Cleveland, OH: 19
Wichita, KS: 13
Bowling Green, OH: 3

Chicago, IL

A very rough and probably wrong estimation of about 150-200+ anons, most of whom were marching continuously around the block across the street from the Chitown CoS and, for a while, on the block containing the CoS itself. We were not allowed to do things like "wear masks", "have our signs on sticks", or "stand still". So we marched endlessly for hours as our signs blew all over us. Our biggest opponents were a particularly angry she-cop, sidewalk cracks, and wind. (But I'm not complaining, because I've read the Atlanta article.)

At the height of the action the line formation contained around 100 anon. Hundreds of fliers were handed out and a number of passers-by joined our march for a lap or two. Epic win may result from a possible interception of dox. The sounds of Choklit Reign, Rick Astley, the Portal song and PARTY HARD played over a megaphone kept spirits high, as did the DELICIOUS CAEK served at about 3:20pm CST (many internets to the nice people at Starbucks for putting up with a bunch of anons!) Pix on the way. Epic hopscotch was played, and the video has been posted but anon is still encouraged to go nuts. 75+ people lining up in a single file line playing hopscotch? Thats a win.

Because of intense harassment from Chicago police who said we could not stand still, the protest was split into several groups. Another group traveled around the city waving signs, being cheered on by construction workers, playing xenu chess with space ships, and having sausages thrown at them by drunks. For some reason a large number of Indian cab drivers were VERY enthusiastic to our cause. A good, but exhausting time was had by all.

NOTE: I was in one of the smaller groups (23+) that stayed in constant motion. We were followed at one point by a man in a dark suit and overcoat. He was walking parallel to us in nearby alleyways and between buildings, taking photos. We said hello to him and he disappeared. Scilons remained posted constantly behind the tinted doors and windows of their building, ever lurking in the shadows, watching us.

The only noticeable fail were some seriously illegible signs.

I have no idea who bought the cakes, but a million thanks to them. I heard rumors that it was Really Tall Negro, our fearless and really tall leader. He was really tall, really fearless, and really negro.

~~ I came and was forced to leave early due to prior commitments, but the three hours I spent marching with Dave were very inspiring. We checked for a permit, 'cause Dave was supposed to bring the permit, but turns out we didn't need one after all since we weren't blocking traffic. I'd brought my fiddle case, as I'd figured a protest is always better with live music, but Dave told me that with the constant single-file marching, it might not be feasible. Still, I brought out the delicious cake I'd brought from home, although nobody seemed to want any. One sweet girl wanted some, but as it wasn't Vegan-friendly (there were traces of fetus in the brownies) she was forced to turn it down.

Chants were sung, and the boomboxes were in full form, singing out Rick Astley, "Happy Happy Joy Joy," filks to the tune of the Mickey Mouse Club theme song, and yes there was hopscotch. Too much hop, not enough scotch, but that was amended by the time I got home. Dave drank all my beer, though.

Cops were around and visible, but nowhere near interfering. They were just overseeing, keeping us orderly rather than the violent mob we wished to become. Dave let the cops know we were cool with the cops, and the cops were cool with Dave.

We did cross the street and break the "150-foot limit" in order to have a photo opportunity, Dave set it up so it was cool with the cops.

Finally, I hit my time limit and had to hoof it, but Dave said he'd hold the fort for me 'til next month.



Champaign, IL

Champaign Protestfags

We only had nine people show up, but there were girls and delicious cake, and we didn't get arrested. At least moderately epic win, for Champaign.

Video footage -

Austin, TX

It was great. I came in late. Other Austinites want to do a more thorough report? Estimates I saw on attendance was 135. I saw figures from 80 to 150, but PC said 135 at one point. The difficult was that there was an early wave and a late wave.

Another anon report: Praise Xenu for blessing us with a beautiful day to protest CO$ in Austin! I estimated the turnout to be between 110 and 120. It's a good number for Austin, considering all Austin students were on spring break and SXSW was going on this weekend.

The Anon Power-Up station was a great success, stocked full of the necessary Slim Jims and Camel Lights. The reception from the car traffic was positive- many a horn was honked in support of anon. The foot traffic was receptive to the anon message as well. Scientology members stood outside listening to educated anon enlightening the curious public about the crimes and true beliefs of Scientology. There was no refutation of the facts presented by anon, only attempted intimidation by members of Scientology as they took pictures of anonymous. This proved to be a laughable attempt, as anon had masks on. Fucking idiots.

Scidykes watch the Austin SP's from the 2nd story

Pics: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]

Dallas, TX

Around 100+ people were there at the highest point of attendance, the spot wasn't really optimal for protesting but we made the best of it. There was a lot of support from passing cars, and a few non-scifag troublemakers. Scifags were standing outside with lawn chairs watching us the whole time, and at one point, they called in cop reinforcements and claimed we were spray painting the walls(it was actually chalk--scifags fail at trolling). Many happy birthdays were sung to L. Ron. Other than that, not too much excitement, thanks to all the Anonymous that brought drinks and food for at least 100 people.

Denver, CO

About 90+ people showed up in total. Someone brought a delicious chocolate cake but apparently you cannot give cake away to save your life in Denver, not even to Anonymous. Anyway, the Scientologists stood there with cameras on tripods filming us until the police told them they could not stand on the median anymore. Then they moved in front of the church to continue filming. A 'Now Hiring' sign caused epic lulz, and the ECTO-1 made a guest appearance (no, srsly). Although ECTO-1 got pulled over with a warning. Scientologists took down the liscense plate number of ECTO-1 aswell, like its a car you can easily hide amirite?

As before we met in a nearby park before the gearing and hitting the church. Then we went down two blocks to Broadway for the lunch rush with a finish up in front of church. Finishing it all was a happy B-day to L Ron. Warning to fellow anons: There was a silver SUV with 2 people within it taking down anons' license plates. The SUV was spotted initially near the meet up park, but a few Anons went to give them a flier and take a picture of their plates but they left, and then Wall-mart.

Update: Headcount at 11:30 was 88 people @ the 3 corners of Broadway. Headcount when cake was handed out was 88-92 (depending if the person counted the people still up flyering by the bus stop or around the malls.) Why is it that the CO anons always have to lowball shit? 120+ uniques came thru, and that's before 2.

Stop lowballing shit. If you're gonna report peak, say it's peak. That's why our numbers got all fucked up on 2-10.

A photographer took some really cool 360° shots that you can see here. Interestingly enough, he was insistent that he not be associated with Anonymous at all and that it was purely professional. He wouldn't even say "you're welcome" after we thanked him.

Omaha, NE

I have single handedly defeated all church of scientology presence in the whole state of nebraska. mainly because there wasn't any. if someone can tell me where to protest at in omaha, nebraska, i will, but i think we have already won the battle here, because although we have stupid people here, they are stupid in a different way. Nublet, Omaha anons were called to Kansas City. Way to fail.

Houston, TX

There were at least 100 Anonymous in attendence, Lulz and cake were had by all. It was not a lie. There were Scientologists present and attempting to bull-bait, but the baiters fled due to mockery. Two scilons sat in the Starbucks near the protests all day and attempted to get protesters to remove masks, one made inappropriate comments to female anons. Police presence was minimal and cordial. Flyers and notecards where handed out by the hundreds to passing motorists. Drum circle + rickroll + choklit rain + loooongcat cake = epic win.

Anonymous reads a prepared speech.

Anonymous parties hard and eats cake.

San Antonio, TX

There were no more than 12 anonymous in San Antonio. Picketing was done accross the street from the Alamo due to the lack of a Dianetics center. Flyers were handed out and 100+ people were made aware of the dangers of the Co$. Snow cones and Caek were had. Also, got 2 video interviews from fgtry bloggers.

St. Louis, MO

About 85 anons showed up, many of them had cake and signs. Over 300+ fliers handed out and we got honks from hundreds of cars as well as a fire truck. Scifags filmed us from their compound and the cops were very cooperative and seemingly on our side; mail men were entirely for us. There may have been scifag penetration, not confirmed yet.

Note: City of University City City Hall

  • Pictures are up.
  • Some videos are also up, including the reading of the Global Speech.

    • Biloxi, MS

      Twenty anon attended, and there was plenty of cake for all. Passed out about 500 fliers. Got a lot of support from the St. Patrick's Day parade, as the roads were blocked off from traffic, leaving the anons to stand around and look sexy with their signs. Many of the float drivers honked, and everyone (except the SciFags) were in good spirits with us. We offered the Scilons cake and beads, but they were particularly butt-hurt. They called animal control (no dogs in the truck, thank Xenu). They didn't do any filming of us, but we made sure we got them at full force. Cops were for us, but attempted to say we couldn't wear masks. Told them about the city statutes, and they went and checked up on it. Everything was ok after that.

      Milwaukee, WI

      SUMMARY: Anon doubled in size thanks in part to warmer weather. Some argue that an overall headcount reached 50-60 Anon, whereas others put numbers drastically lower. Anon celebrated with delicious cake (and pizza!). Police were there for the entire protest, but they seemed to like us. RickRolls & Bell-Airs for everyone. CBS-58 once again came to cover the story, as well as print coverage. Overall it ended in win.

      Milwaukee Flickr Gallery 1
      Milwaukee Flickr Gallery 2
      Milwaukee Flickr Gallery 3
      Milwaukee Flickr Gallery 4

      Also, PokeRap.

      CBS58's Coverage.

      Pics and video clips.

      Full recording of protest (Part 1 of 8). Long video is long.

      Minneapolis, MN

      Epic Minneapolis protest was epic. 140+ showed to publicly pwn the scifags. The police showed up and honked at the signs before parking and watching, laughing the whole while. (kinda the opposite of Atlanta). Bus drivers were lulzy and not only honked, but stopped to ask for flyers twice and abducted one Anon. A drunk passed out in the middle of the road. The scifags huddled in the entryway and tried calling police on Anonymous, though. Cops promptly went over and told them to stfu. Delicious cake (note: the delicious and moist variety, not the lie) was brought and shared among Anonymous, and they sang Bohemian Rhapsody until the scifags were bleeding out the Thetan. But then a bus went by, and I have no idea wtf they all went.

      Memphis TN

      Over 45 people braved the rain and wind to come party hard with us. For the first time, we saw people enter the church, and we had a good time.

      Video Updated! 3/17/08
      Updates found here MidSouth Anon Blog
      Pictures found here Midsouth Anon Flickr

      Albuquerque, NM

      Cleveland, OH

      Lots of honking in support. A few jeers, but those were probably in disapproval of protestors in general rather than support of Scientology. Obvious OSA disguised as a city water technician wandered around us half the time. He'd only go to two buildings: the Co$'s building, and a church parked across the street that had obvious OSA surveillance. Police were very accommodating at first, but became dicks toward the end. They were called there by the Co$ to keep tabs on us. Several times they got out of their unmarked car and headed to the back of their building to relay information. I guess they must have been scolded by the Scilons to make us leave after they told them we weren't doing anything illegal.

      Wichita, KS

      A number of cars belonging to CO$ members circled us all several times, which we later recognized in the parking lot as we were leaving. The drivers who waved and honked greatly outnumbered the ones flipping us off. One of the other protestors noticed an OSA guy taking photos of everyone's license plates.

      Nashville, TN

      40 anonymous braved driving rain, sun, and moar driving rain to picket the Nashville Co$ Celebrity Center. Meeting up as several nearby locations, the group descended on foot to the sidewalk across from the celb. center. Upon arrival, the group split. One large group remained in front of the center, and four small groups took up posts on each corner of the near by intersection 20 yards away. A few minutes after set up, the Co$'s lone Rent-A-Cop asked to speak to the protest leader. After a brief explanation of how we were anonymous, we have no leaders and so on, he asked us for a representative to speak to him. This anon. then came back and informed us that the cop would keep us informed of any scifag shenanigans and not let them troll us. Several possible volunteer ministers were spotted filming from a distance, and a few people were seen exiting and entering the center through out the day, each time greeted with a "happy birthday" from our side of the street. By around noon we had amassed 40 people, which was at least 100 more people than present in February. Around one, the officer informed us that the enemy had found one of the meeting places, and was photographing all the license plates in the parking lot and calling in "suspicious vehicles" to the police. Fortunatly this only affected 3 anonymous who quick went and secured and moved their vehicle. As a thank you to Officer McCop, we offered him delicious, moist caek in the shape of a volcano, but he declined and instead opted for a sealed Hostess cup cake. Through out the day there were many honks for great noise and justice, and almost as many yuppie runners who were mad that we were on the sidewalk and not under one of the many busses that passed at excessive speeds. The Cleb. Centers Neighbors however came out an gave their support. At 2:00, we assembled for a grup photo on the conrner. The picket then returned to normal activity plus a sound track of Daft Punk's Discovery album and the sound of moar rain. At 3:00, the picket closed with a singing of Happy Birthday, for much win and facepalm from the police. As we dispersed at random intervals, the remaining anons continued the impromptu dance party that had broken out while said daft punk played on the radio. As the final Anons began trek back to their transportation, the sky burst down with a torrential downpour, underscoring the loss of Co$, Nashville that day.