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Disambiguation: the acronym CP may instead stand for Cartoon Pornography (aka CarP), for this please see animu hentai.


Moot approves
CP: get it Wednesday
Dick Cheney on vacation.
Not CP
Because of this image, all other images on eBaumsworld.com contain child pornography

Child Pornography (aka CP or ChiP) is what pedophiles masturbate to on the internet. Also known as one of the biggest lulz ever. It is estimated that 63% of all information traded on the Limewire is hardcore child pornography, softcore CP is found on jailbaitgallery.com

Child Pornography and posting it is as close as one can get to trolling on eBaumsworld.com. However, it should be noted, having child pornography for any reason, even for a perfectly reasonable reason like trolling, can earn you an IRL banhammer for life in most western countries (though not in Japan, probably because Japan is an eastern country). Even though it is the primary life source of the cotton pickers of the world.

The FBI will trade you CP for butthurt to the third degree. Public humiliation and shunning are just the pre-trial fun. Even murderers and rapists look down on pedophiles, so on the plus side, your sentence might be shorter than you'd expected. Let's be honest - the only reason you would really have it anyway would be to relive the past memories of that hunting trip when you were five. And if you are a high ranking person working at the Pentagon and have a top secret security clearance, chances are that you won't have to worry about prison! [1]



Some guy was framed for CP posession by his computer, or so he claims---it is entirely possible that an experienced CP fapper will have developed muscles and reflexes sufficient to allow him to move to 43 sites in ten seconds and download all that pr0n, but in any event he got off after a dicey couple of years. This could happen to anyone who practises poor computer hygiene, and in fact will go down in history as the opening salvo of the Computer-Human Wars.


If this happens, there are three possibilities for what's happening; that it is a slow day at the FBI HQ and they are looking to make a few pickups, that it is a troll or lastly, and in light of recent events this is highly probable, that W. T. Snacks is back, and that he wants MOAR CP to fap with.

Sage is only good for covering up hippy stink. The appropriate response to a CP request is to either post one of the following classic CPs, or come up with some of your own. Go ahead - feed the trolls. (Beware - trolls can puke).

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]
Now more versatile.


If you wish to supply your fellow Anons with actual CP then it is advisable to enclose it in a passworded rar, post it, then kill yourself before you get the irl banhammer. Fapping to CP on /b/ is considered a rite of passage. Do it and you truly are one of the damned and will forever be a /b/rother. Unless you're a furry.

CP? In my /b/? About missing Pics
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See Also

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UnV& Pedophiles [-+]

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