Faggot in training

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The fag Chris-chan when he was still training.

Have you ever just been sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the train, or waiting to get a prescription filled and you've had that person come out of nowhere and then proceed to start talking to you, usually, about something they know very little about and they have to keep stopping the conversation so they can check their notes. If you say yes, then you have more than likely come across what we here at Encyclopedia Dramatica like to call a Faggot in Training. There are quite a few different kinds but most can be pigeon holed simply undet RELIGION or Scientology because they're usually half educated teens being forced by their parents to collect money. Every 4 years another breed of the Faggot in Training appears but that is better read under the politics page.

The Religious Faggot in Training

For some of these alterboys, they may be true Honest to God Faggots in Training

If you pay me, I'll go away.

This is the most specialized Faggot in Training group and they will play you in anyway to vet you to hand over to them your hard earned money. One of their favorite tactics is to bring along a cute child, who can barely read, and they'll ask if the child, with their big puppy dog eyes can say a prayer for you.
With their child lisp and purposeful mispronunciation of words they have said over 9000 times, they pull at your heart strings and have you handing over a 10.
Worse than that are the teenage version of the Faggot in Training. These are used with great skills by the Mormons and Scientologists.
Mormons tend to favor young males because if they go missing, no one cares because thats one less suitor and another girl without a husband and has to marry someone who already has 10 child brides, a win win for them I hear.
$cientology, on the other hand likes to parade its young girls around in spandex shorts, cotton tees and their nipples hard like eraser heads.
While the Mormons pretty much tell you that they'll go away if you pay them, the girl from Scientology will either convince you that she'll give up her phone number for a donation or will only keep talking to you so long as you pay up. It's almost like prostitution but if you fall for it, you're the one getting fucked.

Other Faggots in Training

My daddy said if I do this I'll look cool.

Although these ones might not be as militarized as the religious type, they make up for it by being annoying as all hell.
The worst of them is what I like to call the Incarnate. These people don't know anything but they try to sound like they know something by always quoting an authority figure, in the case of Nick - his father Gene Simmons.
For instance, talking when talking with someone like Nick Simmons you'll see a lot of this, "That's harrassment. I just asked my dad, Gene Simmons, and he said if you keep it up I can sue you. Or, "My dad, Gene Simmons, said that copying someone is part of the creative process." Seriously, he always names his dad.

  • The competitive Faggot in Training. This is usually someone who comes out of nowhere and in a conversation with you the either have to have the worst or best of anything.

If you just got over a cold, they had SARS. If your proud that you worked your ass off to buy a corvette, they just bought a Ferrari. If you recently just lost a family member, they're whole family died on the Titanic and they're only here because of a Shoestring Paradox.

If you look at this and your dick doesn't move even a little you might be, fuck it, you are a faggot.

Look at me, look how lovely I am. I am a faggot in training.

See also

Faggot in training is part of a series on


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