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Beware of AIDS.

A Crapp is a nickname given to the most bullshit of free apps cranked out daily by the apple app store; created by some cunts trying to make money by trolling every newfag that can poke a screen to download his app, which said newfag will find to be a complete piece of shit and immediately delete.

Somehow, these fags still make money doing this, and they refuse to stop. Experts hope that one day soon, a crapp will be created that is so shitty it implodes and destroys the entire app store with it. This may result in disastrous repercussions to iPhone and iTouch users, but no one gives a shit since the bitches have it coming.

Crapps are notorious for taking up space in the app store, drawing armies of 12 year olds to give whiny reviews about them, and generally pissing off everyone who is not rocking extra chromosomes.


Adult Sex Trick: Advertised as a "trick" but actually just shows an uninteresting picture of tits (clothed) when shaken. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.

AHMMM OH YEAH: Stolen straight off, this is a super simplistic fart timing game advertised as way more.

Various sex positions and sex picture apps that only have like five not-even-remotely-hot-or-pornographic pictures, and are a complete fucking waste of time and energy.

The vast majority of the "Entertainment" category.