Encyclopædia Britannica

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Encyclopædia Britannica (short, EB) is the best piratable English-language encyclopedia, but it is still so very bad. It has been found to contain traces of fail. Its authors' main aim was to pass on their AIDS by thought alone. So very, very bad that its editors felt forced to post an on-line refutation of a Nature article comparing it to Wikipedia back in the Seigenthaler month (2005-12).

Besides Nature, EB is also compared to TOW mostly by Esalen Web 2.0 humanistic hippie Jews (yes, IRL Jews: Kevin Kelly of wired.com and "We Are the Web" fame, Cory Doctorow etc.). In order to counter the Wikipedia-mongering Jews, Britannica has overreacted by creating a web of fucked-up blogs on its Web site that are no better than the blogs of the Web 2.0 retards it is supposed to counter. The blog network is full of social-science "intellectuals" (book-writing intellectualists trying too hard to sell their books; e.g., The Cult of the Amateur, IT Doesn't Matter, The Big Switch), but also Web 2.0 kooks acting as guests in "debates" about the future of digital media, such as Andrew Keen, Nicholas Carr and Clay Shirky.

Britannica has also overreacted to TOW by creating a wiki-like system for readers of its online encyclopedia to help the editors ammend the entries, just like Larousse did some time before that.

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