Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/December 16, 2023

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Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings (deadname Jaron Bloshinsky) is an aging former "child trans-identified biological male" who was mercilessly psyopped as a toddler by his own mother Jeanette Jennings into believing that he is a girl in a boy's body. As one of the youngest successful victims of sissy hypno porn in recorded history, Jazz quickly became something of a poster child for trans youth. During his teenage years, his transition was heralded by trannies and their sympathizers as a shining example of success, as the cross-sex drugs had prevented him from developing any masculine features and caused him to grow tits. However, the medical consequences of having started hormone replacement therapy as a child became overwhelmingly apparent during his sex reassignment surgery. The subsequent trauma and suffering, coupled with the growing realization that no one actually thinks of him as being a woman anyway, has more or less crippled his psyche.

Jazz has basically no personality of his own and spends every waking moment of his free time complaining about LGBT political issues, mainly opposing new legislation being put forth in the interest of protecting children from being groomed into becoming trannies like he was. Ironically, his story stands as one of the most solid cautionary tales of why it's a really bad fucking idea to give puberty-blocking drugs to little kids.

He will most likely 41% himself before he's 30, unless he eats himself to death first, which is apparently the route he chose because he is now morbidly obese.

(( Feminist Propaganda For Cutting Off Little Boys' Penises ))

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