Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/March 17, 2024

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Gingers, carrottops, rangas (orangutans), Duracells, raggedy andys/annes, freckle-faces, or the pc term, redheads are a pigment mutilated species formed from the peaks of incest over the centuries, causing distinguished flaming hair, and freezing skin; not unlike vampires, with a lack of soul, pain, and eyebrows (closely related to albinos). While some are lesser, and affected only in their hair. This satanic disease is known as, Gingervitis. While people inflicted with it are psychologically evil, everybody else is too. See feminism for more.

In the ages most societies fixed their retarded babies, within a brick filled sack in the nearest river. But currently the civilized West tries to integrate and accept those "less-abled", this has produced yet another flaming kick in the balls by Gingervitis. Thankfully, they are eventually to go extinct either way – and you can speed that up! See murder for more.

Jerhi-curl negro hair with a flaming red hue serves as a warning to everyone that the person inflicted with it is not to be trusted and should be avoided at all costs.

(( For The Record, This St. Pat's: A Woman Is A Redhead And A Man Is A Soulless Ginger ))

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