Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/May 11, 2022

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Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty is Adult Swim's barely disguised ripoff of American Dad—which was itself a ripoff of Family Guy, complete with idiotic pop-culture references, forced memes and constant sex jokes for cheap laughs. While Family Guy stole its main characters from The Simpsons and made them even more tiring and boring to watch, Rick and Morty stole its main characters from "Back to the Future", but instead of learning how to make interesting and lovable characters who can go fantastic adventures, this show prefers to show dysfunctional characters yelling and screaming at each other for half an hour, feigning clever and realsitic relationships.

The show panders to a fanbase of mentally-challenged pseudo-intellectuals who actually believe that the show is extremely deep and highly scientific in its depiction of convoluted sci-fi garbage and constant poop jokes. The show has also done a shout-out to the plethora of sick fucks who draw incest porn of the show's characters and then post it on DevianTART.

As with all other Adult Swim shows, it has the child appeal equivalent to that of anything airing on Disney XD, animation that isn't much above what high-school, first year art students could make in their personal deviantART doodlebooks, along with repetitive episodes which entail many sexual, mutated, gore-filled adventures that are too fucked up to air on any other basic cable channel.

The show stars a batshit-insane, drunken grandpa; named Rick, and his queer 14-year-old grandson; Morty and the retarded catastrophic abominations they create on their time-wasting journeys across the universe. It was originally just a merciful film short before Cartoon Network found out they had too much FGT, so they threw it at this and boom, we have our new show, 21-minute-long episodes of pure shitfests and scientific failure.

There's currently 5 seasons of this shit; and counting. The fanbase is emotionally stunted, cuntilicious and beefcurtainy beyond all belief. Go and look at some of the FB fan groups for extra-deep blood sodomy with a portal gun. And don't forget the pickles.


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