Jesus Chatline

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The Jesus Chatline was a fake Christian live show made up by 2 Canadian trolls named "Steven Chilton" and "Richard Burnish". The show ran between February 2011 and October 2012, while being booted from multiple livestreams for excessive usage of the word "nigger". It was a classic example of trolls trolling trolls, where Steven and Richard (who admittedly are /b/-fags themselves) purposely laying out bait in their show, and even posting the links to it on 4chan.

Richard Burnish is a self-claimed pastor and author of the "Neon Bible", Steven Chilton is the homosapien co-host of the show.

Some of the best callers:

They admit it was all a big troll

The end?

The last live show was aired on October 7th 2012, with "Steven" pouring vodka all over his head (see first video). Why the show was cancelled has never been officially confirmed, but Steven claimed both him and Richard grew tired of the show, and just decided to end it there. Also Steven does not like to talk about the Jesus Chatline, and even sometimes denies knowing about it. Although Richard claimed the copyrights of the show in Canada, he never showed himself on the internet ever again, while Steven started a new show, a lulzy "current events" discussion-show, called "Rumbled Feathers", which didn't last very long. A few years later, Steven started the show "Haulin' Ass" where he played a PATRIOT American Trucker character named... "T. Rucker", which aired until T. Rucker's (Steven Chilton's) unfortunate passing in late 2018. We very much miss you T/Steven/Jay. !flag

The Ark

Richard Burnish in recent years has brought back his character. He currently hosts/features in a semi-sequel to Jesus Chatline titled "The Ark" as the program-host and "Residing Pastor". The late "Steven Chilton" is not acknowledged in "The Ark" as the family of Steven apparently kindly asked Richard not to mention Chilton in the new show.

See Also

Jesus Chatline is part of a series on


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