Rod Wheeler

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Eyes rike diss!

Rod Wheeler is a former Washington, D.C. homicide detective and current paid guest on Fox News. As Michelle Malkin is to Asians, so Rod Wheeler is to African Americans.

Rod Wheeler hates AZNs

Rod Wheeler thinks racial profiling is a useful law enforcement tool. In the following clip, he explains how it can be used to identify Chinese suspects. (Here's the short version of the TL;DR YouTube clip, below.)

Rod Wheeler Won't Pay You

Rod Wheeler is also, apparently, poor.

September 11, 2006: Rod Wheeler Got Me!

I had something interesting happen today that hasn't happened to me before in my 6 plus years of web marketing and SEO work for hire: I am getting stiffed by a "celebrity." Unfortunately, it is NOT Paris Hilton. Rod Wheeler of Fox News fame contacted me on August 4 regarding redoing his website. We came to an agreement, he started giving me to-dos which included a change in direction to create a new website During August this involved several hours work, making preparations for receipt of content which was never provided. I sent off a little invoice at the end of the month as is my custom for non-charity clients. Long story short, Rod made the gracious offer of paying me only what he through he owed me, not what I invoiced him. Last message from Rod said "I recant my last offer of a good faith settlement. I suggest you consult with you legal advisors from this point on if you feel any monies are due you." Any monies would be anything over zero because he never paid me anything. So, a couple of philosophical business thoughts for you. If you are doing business with "celebrities", make a very careful evaluation or get your money up front because they probably think they are doing you a favor by having you do work for them. If you run into Rod Wheeler, get Rod before Rod gets you. Cash in advance for Rod. This publicity cost me $250. That's big bucks for a celebrity, apparently?


—Ron Castle, writing in his blog

Rod Wheeler on Butterfly Kisses

Typical pink pistol.
Now, the other thing, too, that our viewers are going to find very, very interesting, is the fact that they actually carry -- some of these groups carry pink pistols. They call themselves the packing -- the pink pistol-packing group. And these are lesbians that actually carry pink pistols. That's nine-millimeter Glocks. They use these. They commit crimes, and they cause a lot of hurt to a lot of people.


—Rod Wheeler, SRSLY!

Elsewhere in the transcript, he explains how lesbian gangs are actively kidnapping and raping young girls.

External Links

Rod Wheeler
is part of a series on
Fox News

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