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How can anyone take her seriously?
And now we have another reason to hate clowns!
Not even other freaks can deal with this bitch.

Vera (previously Honeytail) is the alias of Bethany Sellers aka Bethany Van Scott (born June 21, 1984), a furry and fetish artist. She is located in Florida with her 5th boyfriend / 2nd Husband (lol) and her various caged wild animals she claims as 'pets'. She draws mainly ego-stroked and repetitive same body and personality based 'art', clowns, goo and slime, secret fetishes (including rape, even though she is against it OH SO much), and curvy sluts based solely on herself as a guide. She has an alter-ego called 'Boogle' that she sometimes dresses up as and proclaims that she is VERY SPECIAL to her, as well as her 'third eye' that is SOLELY HERS AND HERS ONLY. She is known to be self centered, egotistical, hypocritical, insane, narcissistic, ignorant, a horrendous liar and plain rude making it hard for her to keep friends, make decent art, and act like a normal fucking human being. Using her Borderline personalty Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and 'Imaginary Land', as well as Imaginary friends as an excuse to be a non-functioning horrible human being. She will proudly boast the fact that she is 'Self Employed' while watching cartoons and sitting on her fat ass at home, doing nothing of importance to support herself like an actual adult. She will do absolutely anything to prove herself as 'The Good Guy', yet she always ends up burying herself deeper into this hole by letting her actual issues leak forth. Only the genuinely stupid or the easily manipulated people seem to believe her (even those who are 'back' in her life, who have constantly outed her shitty-ness). To top this all off, she constantly goes against what she says, and does what she says she wouldn't (she laughed at vegans, now she is. She laughed at mbti, now she says shes what she thinks she is *and isnt, she just reaaaaly wants to be special*). She consistantly goes after everyone, whether ex 'lovers' of 'friends' in obvious passive aggressive fashions.

She prides herself on 'living in her head' and exploring the imaginary land she created for her persona called Willora, not to mention the fucked up fact that she WANTS to hate everyone and stay alone in her 4 year old fantasy world. She believes that her art is GRADE A+ and will charge ridiculous amounts for something a cheaper artist can make much better, without the complications of her having a hissy fit and not complying to her commissioners requests. Vera is also INCREDIBLY sexist, always mentioning the fact that she has NO DESIRE TO BE WITH ANY WOMAN EVER, yet oogling them, talking about them, and using them as a sexual fetish rather than treating them as another part of the human race.

Another fun snipped about this bitch that is painfully obvious NOT to ignore, is her age. Vera is 30+ years old, and still for whatever 'daddy fucked me' reason, still acts and lives like a child, arguing about toys, collecting extensive amounts of plushies (that she lets her diseased ridden COCKroached crawl all over) -as well as begging for them in journals and in her personal pages-, and not having a full time job of any kind. She lives at home in her 'safe' fantasy land and refuses to be part of society.


Her Moldy CuntHole About missing Pics
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See also

External links

  • [1] Evidence of Vera being a Vindictive cunt to past commissioner(s)
  • [2] Her infamous ClownForum drama, she wanted asspats, instead she got caught for being an attention whore
  • [3] Her LinkedIN account
  • [4] Her Google Account, Block that shit

Vera is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Vera is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Vera is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.