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They've [Jews] been covering up aliens for decades.


BjornStronginthearm, crackpot


Wyatt (aka A Wyatt Man, BjornStronginthearm, Merkel, KimboSlice, RaiderFan, RobertBobkins, Rationaldriver and many other pseudonyms) is a neo-Nazi and white supremacist troll turned Antifa, although being confused and mentally ill - he simultaneously holds his old racist beliefs - and probably suffers from multiple personality disorder. He's aso a David Icke-type alien conspiratard who formerly administrated Metapedia.org and Rightpedia with Mikemikev. Nothing is known of his real-world identity and to avoid being discovered he often impersonates different people either real (e.g. Blu Aardvark) or imaginary (e.g. pretending to be a member of anti-racist organisations such as Hope not Hate, while at the same time being a white supremacist) as well as creating fake biographies about himself.

He is known to be creepily obsessed with Evalion having written her Rightpedia article and created threads about her on Stormfront.

Aside from his white supremacist and Nazi beliefs, he holds many other crazy views: Element 115 / "Elerium" (Google "Bob Lazar"), UFO's, and ancient astronaut theory. On Rightpedia, Wyatt also supported flat earth conspiracy theories and denied the Moon landings. Basically, he's a nutcase.

Note: do not confuse this mentally ill Nazi/Antifa (or whatever the hell he is) with the artist Wyatt Mann.

Wyatt / BjornStronginthearm / KimboSlice

When administrating Metapedia.org, Wyatt said he took his name from Wyatt Mann the white supremacist cartoonist.

We can thank ex-ED sysop Michael D. Suarez for going through Wyatt's rather insane internet history and connecting his online names:

BjornStronginthearm complained on Stormfront about Enadmin after Enadmin blocked "A Wyatt Man":

Both hate Jayjg and SlimVirgin:

Both hate KimmoA / Upplysning:

"A Wyatt Man" is also "KimboSlice" here at ED:

[…] I said Uppl reminded me of Kimmo, he [JuniusThaddes] dug up proof for me. […]

Posting as BjornStronginthearm, Wyatt confirmed his identity on Rightpedia and Metapedia, in two threads:

BjornStronginthearm is also RobertBobkins at Conservapedia:

His Nazi past

Wyatt posted racism and anti-Semitism on Stormfront as the user BjornStronginthearm who made more than 2700 posts since 2013, most recent as November 2017; a small example of his racist views:

I think it's a step below bestiality. I've come to the realization that negroes and mestizos are not simply savage or brutes, but outright evil, and a lower form of demon.


Israelis are generally the vilest of jews.


Brown is an ugly color. Dark brown is extremely ugly. Negroes look like some scary Lovecraftian monsters.


I have known and met a bunch of them [Sikhs and Hindus] and they're all either (1) foul mannered, (2) breath smells like they never brush their teeth and the stink is strong even standing a ways back.


Apparently after he supposedly changed his views, Wyatt was PMing Stormfront mods to remove all his racist comments. However, to his frustration, archives exist:

From Nazi to Antifa

File:Wyatt RationalWikiWiki.png
The article that exposed Wyatt as a racist moron, and caused him to flee Rightpedia and give up his Nazi beliefs

In 2018, a few months before Rightpedia was closed for child abuse imagery, Wyatt left the wiki and claimed to have changed his racist and neo-Nazi views (doubtful see below), presumably embarrassed after an article on a site-linked to RationalWiki ridiculed his Nazi beliefs.

Despite worshiping Hitler and praising Nazi Germany and attacking Jews as recent as 2017 - Wyatt around June 2018 began criticizing people as Nazis on Rightpedia, then when he left claimed to have become a civic nationalist as opposed to a white nationalist that he formerly was. Within a couple of months he then began creating fake accounts attacking Rightpedia as an Antifa or communist.

From Antifa to Nazi again...

Wyatt never truly gave up his Nazi beliefs and has yet reinvented himself again, most recently as a "race realist", which is just repackaged Nazi bullshit. While he no longer identifies as a Nazi or white supremacist he claims to believe in a more moderate form of white nationalism; he joined RationalWiki as Rationaldriver and created an article in September 2018 critical of white supremacist Patrick Little. Yet less than a year earlier, Wyatt was Little's biggest fan-boy.

RationalWiki didn't take Wyatt's repackaged Nazi BS seriously, and banned him for being "Nazi filth".

See also

Wyatt is part of a series on National Socialists
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