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Nobody has heard of this person, but whoever they are, vandalizing this article only makes us want to learn more...

Alyallie, Also known as Alylovesjoel, Alicewills2, Lisawills2, The-Limota-Twins or Alice is a deviantART user that uses MikuMikuDance. MikuMikuDance (MMD for short) is a program used primarily to animate Vocaloid models. She's considered to be one of the most disrespected members of the western MikuMikuDance community, and was flamed for making models out of other models that was never meant to be edited in the first place. She is thought to be the follow-up of Codenamesailorearth, another noted MMD user.


Alyallie has been into MMD for six months, and had been into PMD (the program used to edit models for MMD) for two months.

A tartlet called Arkenidae made a model of KEI's Kitty'er and asked no one to edit it. Alyallie, however, decided that that didn't apply to her and downloaded this model and edited it. Arkenidae eventually found out about the edit and asked her to take down the download. Aly, being the spoiled whore she is, refused to take down the download. Aly proceeded to call Arkenidae a bitch and blocked her. She told all of her watchers in a journal to tell her that Alyallie should take down the download link. However, Alyallie started to bitch against both Arkenidae and her watchers, which made them even more mad. Eventually Alyallie took down the deviation, but the ruckus didn’t stop after that.

We're all so mean!

She had even more edited models in her gallery, and people started to react on these deviations too. She even had a pitchloid as one of her videos (see below) calling it her own UTAU while it was just a pitched up existing vocaloid called SeeU.

Aly's loli OC
Aly's rant about how stupid we are

Alyallie then created a journal in which she got angry at everyone and called anyone who hated her a bitch, but after a while she changed the journal to an apology journal. Another deviantART user replied saying she was pissed off by the fact that she changed the journal. She tried to convince Aly that she should apologize to the ones that she insulted, and should forgive and forget. However, Alyallie ignored everything and continued doing what she liked to do the most.

A bit later some screenshots popped up with comments of people that said that she should stop with the innocence act, because she obviously is not. She even told a user that (s)he was a puppet and was one of the people being controlled by several MMD Tumblrs. However, she told her that she wasn’t, and after that she told him or her again that that user was a puppet. All of the comments that were followed by it were either marked as spam or were hidden by the owner. The user was blocked after commenting.

What’s even funnier; she made a tumblr account that had a similar name to her youtube acount, and sent the blog MMDerproblems a message, trying to defend her.

you guy…calm down please… i mean the person took down the images and the youtube video…

And guys, stop saying she has not talent because there are a lot of models that are actually pretty good she’s made 100% on her own, and she has only been using MMD for 6 months and PMD for 2 months She isn’t aware of all the rules you guys…. so please stop harassing he calling her a bitch and such Yes i know she gets set off, but you’re insulting her instead of telling her NICELY what she had done wrong… And i’m pretty sure you guys dont like it when you get bullied, so why bully someone else? Really? How would you feel if a bunch of MMD users that have been on MMD for YEARS started calling your work awful and insulted your work? How would you feel? I’m pretty sure you’d at least be a LITTLE upset… All i’m asking is for you guys to just calm down and stop insulting someone’s work



However, no one fell for her shit. She deleted her tumblr after that.

I'm not Alyallie, that's why all I do is defend her!

After several people reporting this deviant for harassing people and for her overall stupidity, this user finally got the banhammer. However, she kept on rearing her fat, grotesque head on new DeviantART accounts, like The-Limota-Twins and Alylovesjoel. According to the deviantART FAQ, this was against the rules and so she got reported again, but this time not only for avoiding her ban. A submission on one of the MMD Tumblrs showed that Alyallie decided to have hot steamy online sex with her boyfriend in the DeviantART comments before she got banned. This was also against the rules, and thus her other accounts got banned too.

I'm not the Aly that was IP banned, you guys! I don't know who that is!

She has recently come back under the name "mmdmodelmakeraly" and created another account, "mmdprincessmaker" who is just Aly pretending that she is someone else defending Aly.

On May 20, 2012, MMDPrincessMaker deleted her entire gallery and posted a journal claiming she was closing her account. Whether or not she'll actually stop logging in remains to be seen.


MMD Tumblrs play a rather large role in the Alyallie saga. They have spread the word of her doings, and call her out on shit.

Illegally trading models as MMDPrincessMaker

During these events, a big group of MMD users on deviantART don't trust any MMD user that has Aly or Alice in their username or their real name. People still believe she is creating accounts to avoid her ban, and are still tracking her down.


ty for understanding how hectic this all is and it is childish of them to be treating someone who made a silly mistake like they are the child of satin


you guys are going to get in more trouble for this then she will for making a recolor, and fyi no im not her but this is and account for me to defend her, this isnt cool at all. you guys need to give it a rest and stop acting like little kids


—Trying to defend herself in the third person on Tumblr

lol ok so the model is Kitty’er Aly, she’s my Kitty’er Self ~giggles~ i dont own her but the person who owns her is really rude because i edited a model they had ripped off so really atm they dont deserve the credit if they are going to be a jerk about it


i could come up with 100 ways to say it more nicely you are so freaking mean




OMFG SHUSH WE ESTABLISHED THAT JEEZUM! next time read the comments b4 you make your damn post


god you guys and your trash are giving me a headache


you do realize that most 12 yearolds even have B cup boobs now a days right o.O i say aside from being short they look 16


i did im not a moron



And either way, you'er the one who is the coward, if you are going to be mean to mean the come see me and real life instead of hiding behind a computer screen ^^


NO you get your fucking ass here and stop fucking hinding





Butthurt Aly is upset that no one believes that mmdmodelmakeraly and MMDPrincessMaker are not her

as soon as ANYONE accuses me of being alyallie you're block. I'm sick of all of you with your heads up your asses. GET LOST


hey dip shit, READ THE DAMN THING I POSTED you really are the dumbest idiot on here

You need a nice fat cock shoved up your ass! goosh goosh baby


"your vag smells like fish time to clean your gutters" i don't think you realize that has nothing to do with if your clean down there or not since that happens when a girl is on their period and your guts are your digestive system parts... you guys need to go back to school >.>


Aly's Abominations

Gallery of Fail

See Also

External Links

Alyallie is part of a series on


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