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Attackofthehank in his sexy glory.

Attackofthehank is a Youtube Pooper with ovar 9000 skillz at his disposal. He stopped uploading videos because he is too butthurt to continue.

The Legacy of the Youtube Poop

Attackofthehank started his amazing career on August 16, 2010 when he made his very first poop on Jewtube, successfully getting an awesome fanbase almost instantly. He then proceeded to make over 9000 amazing videos that gave him an even larger fanbase.

The Fall of the Poop

Attackofthehank's fanbase started to dwindle after about 3 years of doing the same fucking jokes, but then, like a winner, he kept going and made more videos. The final nail in the coffin was when he decided to make people pay for him to make new videos. Most people were made uncomfortable by this and basically said "Fuck you nigger, we don't want your shit." He then proceeded to make 3 videos explaining why he was right, taking them down a few days later and making two final poops before going silent.

Amazing Videos

Attackofthehank doing what he does best. Notice the sound at 0:50 where the sound of screaming in the background comes in.

Attackofthehank's last video.

Attackofthehank is part of a series on YouTube.

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