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ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read Encyclopedia Dramatica:How 2 EDit for Dummies and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Nix the Glaceon

An explanation of Nix's autism.

Nix the Glaceon is a friend and fuckbuddy of Insert Name Here, having on multiple occasions have roleplayed Pokemon ERP's and have shared their contributions such as cumming inside a Glaceon doll. The bitch is well known for having extreme amounts of autism and is known to cum in a large amount (if I were to be exact, maybe 4 pounds may have been lost from his jizzfest).

He pleasures himself to another user getting banned.

During his tenure as a Blockland Forumer, he has proven to the community what a shitbag he's been. From admitting he wanted to fuck Emojis, and etcetera, he is that type of faggot you want to stay away from.

Autistic as fuck

Insert Name Here

Insert Name Here, also known as Mike/Mikey/Michael Wilson is considered autistic and is most likely to shoot up a school as an act of 'an heroism'. Michael has had many tantrums and has attempted to kill himself. The faggot is very contagious and has spread his autism and furry shit all over the forum, which has been converted to Furry territory. He is known to own airsoft weapons and is planning to shoot up a school which will result in 1 injury to the leg for a pellet and 1 fatality (himself). He is probably prone to covering his ears after a real gunshot, so please for the love of god duck and cover.

Storm Surge

Storm was a 12 year old boy who got in deep shit after orchestrating several SWATting attacks against random cockland autists. After the cockland community did some investigation, tracked him down and DOXed him, he was eventually arrested by the cops and will now be spending the next several years getting fucked up the ass by niggers. This event brought intense drama to an otherwise stale year on their pathetic forums, and resulted in a Skript kiddie faggot getting what he deserves; good riddance. Sauce2


Plaz is one of the most infamous users of the game. He was a Skript kiddie who fucked around with code which got badspot to ban him. He came back for shits and giggles, and harassed and trolled people until he became ban on sight. During 2009~2012, he had drama topics made about his activity and behaviour on an almost-daily occurrence. Many lesser trolls often impersonated him and got dozens of drama topics made about Plaz even more. IRL, he's a right-wing spic living in Michigan who's had the partyvan show up for some of his hax0ring.


Sephiroth was another typical 13 year old boy who acted like a retard throughout the long span of time he's wasted his useless life on this game. He was hated in the pre-retail era for shitposting, being a faggot, insulting people and crashing hundreds of servers using exploits in the game's coding. TOBfags hated him for trolling sperging and harassing their forums for years, and RTBers were split between appreciation and disgust, as he hosted one of the more notable sites dedicated to the dead game. However, his dumbass antics and disrespect towards the egos of the other kids made him the most infamous player in the post-refail era of the community. On retail, he continued the foul and idiotic behavior, resulting in him getting banned a dozen times from the forums, and his stolen keys deactivated just as much. He never bought the game and kept coming back through scamming keys. Only ever notable for his RTB mod site which only 2 people use.

After many years, Sephiroth was outed as ED admin User:AlGore, aka William Atchison, who killed two people in a pitiful attempt at outdoing LOLumbine.

Robo and Slick

Miika did a Fat Girl Angle Shot on her ass.
Miika on the left, what she looks like with out the angle shot.

Attention Whore Jimmg posted a topic about Slicksilver banning his bro RoboNoob after he forgot to pay him for the whore he bought. The topic unfolded in a mass of fake suicide, nudes being spread, and fun times.

Zoneark and Truce: Skiddie Trolls

Truce made a client script that gave him direct console access on servers. Together with Zoneark, they did this just to clear some bricks, ban random people, and otherwise cause chaos "for luls". Badspot finally caught on and demanded they tell him what is the cause of this. Zoneark blamed it on Iban's zombie mod, which Badspot was quick to judge as complete shit and instead targeted McTwist's RP Core mod as the source. Zoneark, Truce, and Only1Rebel (whom had not appeared in either the forums or game for over a year), along with three other "unknown" users, had their keys de-activated. This has been going on for two whole weeks before Badspot even took action. Many butthurt players ragequitted from Blockland because their work they spent hours on was deleted forever.

.Aeris.: Smalltime Gambler

Recently, another challenger appeared to the throne of spreading nudes on Blockland. Aeris flashed her 'friends' on the forums, and Jimmg, of Robo and Slick fame, caught on, which led to more drama. Aeris was promptly banned after breaking a rule by claiming she had better things to do than argue on a forum. Three days later, she was unbanned. Small arguments between her and other members of the community continue to happen sporadically.

Despite several warning from more caring members of the community, .Aeris. has made several efforts to add to this article and show the basement dwelling peasants of Encyclopedia Dramatica she is actually just a defenseless young girl that has never done anything wrong, ever, and everyone who does not like her just spontaneously decided to do so (probably because she is so super cute and they are jealous because they don't have a girlfriend).

Her revisions include revising this subsection to reflect better on her and more poorly on the rest of the community, and adding an aside under the below picture demanding that ED find the pictures of her naked. She also registered another account and tried to add a piece about Jimmg (the person who pointed out how many nude pictures she had given out).

Unfortunately for her, these revisions were undone by SysOps, meaning that the bullshit she tried to add was so flagrantly retarded that people whom have never played Blockland and were not involved in the incident could clearly see what a crock of shit it was.

Recently, .Aeris. took a fucking hint and had one of the prepubescent boys she gave nudes to post that she is leaving. This is probably a sincere notice letting her friends know that she will no longer be active in the forums and it is very unlikely that she is doing this for attention.

In a chat with Visage, .Aeris. revealed that she was a spy part of a group of /b/tards on Blockland to troll and take over Blockland. If all of these /b/tards are as successful as her, the forums should be under their control by next week

Stop trying to let everyone see them, they were taken down from their previous sites for a reason. There are rules here, one of which says if I want them down, my nudes get taken down


—Aeris being the mad attention whore she is.

MegaScience: Savior of Women

Over the course of a few days, MegaScience tried to secretly vandalize this article because he came across a half-nude pic of a girl he loves. Now, knowing Megascience and WhiteKnights, once they don't get their way they go and cry about it, such as he did over at Blockland's forums.

According to Blockland's own community, MegaScience is known for being the biggest suckup to females on the site. Whenever you can, please remind him that he'll never get laid and removing pictures of his many girly friends will take him even further away from any china he will ever know.

Let's not forget how much he'll ask you to add him on various IMs if you somewhat agree with him on something. Status = Forever Alone.

MegaScience Words of Wisdom

I've never seen you post a picture of yourself or anything. Meh, stay out of my horrible topic about a horny boy wanting to protect a girl from horny boys with lesser morals than him.


—MegaScience, admitting to his blatant faggotry

I thought I gained enough respect in BL to not fall back into this pit of "You don't even deserve understanding. I'm just going to generalize your ass."


—MegaScience, hoping to make Blockland his very own circlejerk.



—MegaScience whining about ED, using CP as an excuse even though Miika's ass is downright flat and boring.

I admit I hate an immaturity that makes me coddle to females, with teenaged hormones blazing. But I still feel the want to defend them from other assholes. I might be just as much a jerk, but if I can be the lesser of evils... Then I won't be destine to live in my parents house my whole life having done nothing for anyone.


—MegaScience, trying to justify his actions with "hormones" despite being 17 years old, 4 years past the time these events happen.

Lord Tony

Tony in all his glory.

Lord Tony is a typical Brony who likes to jack to fat ponies and bestiality, or at least this is what he wants you to think.
In truth Tony is a 20-something year old lonely basement dweller second floor dweller who lives with his parents and attempts to troll people all day rather then getting off his lazy ass and getting a job got called for a job. Notable because of the sheer amount of drama he's caused, with literally hundreds of topics made about him and dozens of accounts banned. Furfags and Ponyfags drop their jaw at the mere mention of his name. He is also featured on Adult Swim being a true knight to his word. His obsession with Adult Swim caused his Sam Hyde-Kurt Cobain-Linkin Park looking ass to be whooped by a Nigger.

Tony in all his TRUE glory.

Some of Tony's glorious trolling.

Lord Tony: There's a snake in my ass.
Zookuw: wat
Zookuw: And you complain about figurines
Lord Tony: there's a pony dick in my ass
Zookuw: Why do you like that sort of thing tony?
Lord Tony: I shove pony dols in my butt
Lord Tony: show the world
Lord Tony: of my sick doll fetish
Zookuw: Also your piss fetish?
Lord Tony: I pee on dolls
Zookuw: Of course you do tony of course you do
Lord Tony: I have sex with dead pony dolls


Iban, AKA Joshua Moon, is Null, and has his very own article on our site!

Iban was an infamous psychopath who managed to troll the game so hard that he amassed over 9000 drama topics. He's a very notable lowcow, perhaps even the most infamous of all time; enough to have warranted his very article on this site! It should come off as no surprise that in the numerous years that he's played cockland, that he would amass countless amounts of drama and lulz. Below are just some of these; it would take an entire book to document all of the troll dust and autism he's left behind in his digital footprint.


Iban was a modder and created a lame and over-used game mode called CityRPG. It didn't take long for the Blockland administration to discover a backdoor in the script allowing Iban to skid any server utilizing his software. This caused a lot of drama and got Iban one of his first bans.

He returned under dozens of accounts to sperg out on the forums and continue getting terminated, despite totally despising and hating the community he just couldn't get enough of.

House fire

His grand finale was an event in which his House Burned down. He lost his cat and mommy as they were burned alive. There were also hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets lost in the act of arson. It was initially suspected that Iban did it himself, but it was later revealed to have been committed by his mom's boyfriend.

Joshua: Hey Otis
Joshua: you know how last night my mom said to leave because they were fighting
Otis Da HousKat: whaaaa
Joshua: and then I kinda poofed
Otis Da HousKat: ya
Joshua: well right after she told me to call the police
Joshua: because someone had dumped gasoline through their room to the hall to the living room
Joshua: so i called da poleec n was like "missus police it appears there is gasoline in my house and this dude is mad, REAL MAD."
Joshua: so she sas da poleec is on da way
Otis Da HousKat: shit nig
Joshua: so I walk out to my car and tell him as he dumps gasoline throughout the living room
Joshua: "You guys are fucking retards."
Joshua: and he says "No, just very dumb."
Joshua: I wish I could say I deserved it but it was my mom's house and I am quite unaffected.
Otis Da HousKat: You can just bum out anywhere with an intronet connection
Joshua: Yeah.
Joshua: That and a lot of problems were solved.
Joshua: My cat was a burden. Although I loved him and I don't think smoke inhalation was a suitable death for such a loving old man, I do know he doesn't have to deal with my mom's abuse and nobody has to worry about him now.
Joshua: Andrew made everyone miserable and my mom was too afraid of being alone to see it. He's facing 20+ years of prison time for arson, violating parole, domestic battery, 2 counts of attempted murder
Joshua: and I will see to it he gets charged with Animal Cruelty as well.
Joshua: The house was 30 years old and the mortagage owned on it was TWICE was it was worth now
Joshua: it was also under a runway which harbors the Eglin Airforce Base with super loud F35 jets
Joshua: Cat? Gone, and no longer suffering.
Joshua: Andrew? Gone.
Joshua: House? Gone.
Joshua: Mortagage? Paid for by insurance.
Otis Da HousKat: Time to start fresh
Joshua: And then some
Joshua: Feels way better than it should
Joshua: I'm happy, though
Joshua: I wanted this
Joshua: We lucked out
Iban, basically admitting that he's happy it happened.

Ironically, he posted the following just a few months before the house burned down:

Colten, that is so old I can't even bring myself to care.
I'm not going to be a jerk to her because some dumb angsty cunt on an Internet forum took advantage of her trust (in exactly the same way you took advantage of mine) and used her as a weapon against me.

You are an awful human being, and I hope your child burns to death.

Karma, bitch.

Potential Madman?

Iban is also a potential mass murderer, as seen below in this chatlog:

4:51 AM - Joshua: Everyone I've ever fucking met
4:52 AM - Joshua: I swear to god I want to kill and rape as many people as I can
4:52 AM - Joshua: before getting gunned down by SWAT
4:52 AM - Joshua: That needs to be my life aspiration
4:52 AM - Joshua: You stupid fucking cunts need to suffer
4:52 AM - Joshua: All living things with a vagina 
A typical discussion with Iban

Eventually after years of absence, a newfag made a drama asking about him which resulted in 47 pages of chimpouts / discussion about him, and he returned from the grave to answer questions.