Charlotte Charms

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Pro-Ana, it does the body good.

Charlotte Charms, aka "Little Lotte" (more like BIG lotte, am I right?) is a fat ugly slut who's famous for having been pretty at some point. Charms was a notorious cunt during her pretty years, and so the interwebs collectively loled when they saw how fat and ugly her ass had gotten within just a few years. Take note, ladies, anorexia makes you pretty. The hilarious irony of Charms turning into a prescription McDonald's cow is lost on Charms, and she continues to radiate Unwarranted Self-Importance while behaving like a pigs ass on social media. Currently, Charms lives with her parents because she doesn't make enough money camming. Even her breast augmentation could not distract from her 300lb weight gain and the horribly done tattoos that cover every square inch of he body.

Lolita Drama

Aoi wearing the choker that Charms stole

Charms had always been a lolcow within the EGL community for being a self absorbed dumb fuck, but shit didn't hit the fan until she stole another girls choker from her house. As it did not occur to Chrams that people are capable of using more than one site, Charms bragged about her loot on gaia and got outed on GTFO my egl shortly after. Rather than owing up to her theft, Charms denied everything and claimed that rare limited edition 300$ Moitie chokers get sold by vendors at comicon, which is where she bought it.


"Aoi Phantomhive" is a 22 year old Mexican women who doesn't know how to grow the fuck up and behaves like a thirteen year old emo. Being a complete fucking loser irl, Aoi preys on dumb ass high school kids like Charms so she can find a place to sleep at night. Aoi and Charms moved in together while Charms was 17 and the two lived alone together in one of Charm's seasonal houses. One has to wonder wtf was going through Charm's mother's mind to allow her seventeen year old student daughter to live alone with a 22 year old she met online, but she didn't seem to give a shit and allowed it to happen, which says a lot about they kind of upbringing Charms must have had. The two thought it would be super fun to trick the internet into thinking that Aoi was a boy with a twin sister named "Alice". They then invented a narrative where the three where living and fucking together in some weird incestual threeway, until people slowly began to put the pieces together and figure out what should have been fucking obvious from the start. Aoi tried to trick Charms into thinking she was half and half Japan instead of the boring spic she was born as, but the truth was revealed when Chrams overheard her speaking Spanish to her spic family after their car broke down.

The relationship between Charms and Aoi was riddled with borderline personality disorder and hate. Charms wanted Aoi to bite her neck to "claim" her for some weird reason while also requesting that Aoi hit her because it was "better than self injury" and her woulds would be covered by insurance if inflicted by someone else. Every once in a while, Aoi would say "I'm going to fuck you with my giant cock now, wink wink", and fuck Chrams with her giant strap on until she bled out of her vagina. The two seemed happy in their creepy unhealthy relationship, that is, until Aoi just sort of snapped one day and beat Charms up.


Zoe explains why Charms threw her out

Charms has a degree is cosmetology, but working in a salon would require working. And so, Charms did what every spoiled Tumblr snowflake does and became a camgirl. It was during this time that she entered a relationship with a scrawny twink named Mike who bought her fast food for every meal and stole her clothes and car on a regular basis. Just like Charms, Mike is a weird little loser who doesn't want to work and relies on Charms to support him. After Charms entered her relationshit with Mike, she developed a bunch of strange "problems", such as staying in bed all day and only getting out to cam, a soda addiction, and went on a bunch of hardcore prescription drugs for mental disorders she doesn't have.

Roommate Drama

As it would appear, Charms never learned a damn thing after all these years of drama following her. Charms invited a fellow camgirl going by the name of "Zoe" to come live in her apartment with herself and Mike. Unfortunately, she could not keep her batshit insanity to herself and threw Zoe out for not cleaning up cat puke fast enough, rendering Zoe and her cats homeless.

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See Also

Charlotte Charms is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Charlotte Charms is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

Charlotte Charms is part of a series on
[Grow up and quit whiningEmbrace your inner darkness]


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