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7-7-07 his man will give you his autograph, think about it!
Digitial Soul, black or white?
Blue Steel
drama free [1]

DiGiTiLsOuL, not to be confused with Boh3m3, is an egotistical internetlebrity. DS can be found on YouTube, MySpace, and The Promised Land, where he often is seen selling out to the man. DS considers himself a true neo-con Christian, and enjoys preaching to the masses via internet video clips. Some argue Frank Patterson is an internetarcissist, or the aspie version of Tony Robbins but it is clear he has the balls and the ego to tell others how to live their own lives.




Did You Realize

  • Many argue that DS is in fact an african american, due to his inability to understand wiki-satire. In truth, he's a standard christfag.
  • Won't take "pills", thank dog, so he's unlikely to plague the planet for too fucking long.
  • Encourages popular YouTubelebrities to "battle".
  • Believes that he has a special connection with a 'god' or gods.
  • DS entered a contest on Yahoo! Video, only to find himself trolled by various Yahoo members.
  • Frank Patterson (Digitilsoul) has aviatophobia or aviophobia (fear of flying).
  • DS is a part-time electrician, and full-time babydaddy.
  • Has a small case of self-hating homophobia.
  • DS has done, and can be seen on DirectTv via the "Fizz".
  • Fears old men and satire.
  • Believes in ghosts, loves Horrorcore Rap
  • Frank is blacklisted from ever being featured again on YouTube due to his involvement with The Promised Land.
  • Was born sometime around early 1970, making him over 9000 years old. (FOR REAL, HOMIES)
  • McKees Rocks High School alumni.
  • Enjoys smoking cigarettes.
  • Jay-Z wants his copyright back.
  • Rick Rubin is embrassed.


  • " Hello, I'm married.." (reaction to ED )
  • "We're raw"
  • "Remember no matter where you go... There you are" - Buckaroo Banzai
  • "Pppsshhhht!"
  • "YouTube is my home address, y'all ..."
  • "The Promised Land are some really nice people, wordup!"
  • "You know what I'm sayin"
  • "Call me a punk!"
  • "..it's ok to be gay (look at me)"
  • "You know what I'm sayin"
  • "I dunno even know what a wigga is ... well, I know what it is.... but...word"
  • "I guess that's why they call it Encyclopedia Dramatica!" ---- WORD HOMIE
  • "..it's black history month, y'all. you know what i am saying..."
  • "You know what I'm sayin"
  • "...even little babies, man."


Dynamic Youtube Clips

External Links

See Also

DiGiTiLsOuL is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal