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Jul 22 00:21:10 *	Fox ([email protected]) has joined #doxbin
Jul 22 00:21:20 <Fox>	Don't be a fucking cunt kid.
Jul 22 00:21:28 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:21:45 <Fox>	Dead serious, you should be glad you have the friends you do.
Jul 22 00:21:56 <troof>	what did i do this time?
Jul 22 00:22:20 <Fox>	A in the first place, do not ever claim a DDOS that you can't back up
Jul 22 00:22:34 <Fox>	Because if I didn't remember in the back of my head someone mentioning doxbin
Jul 22 00:22:48 <Fox>	I would have railed this shit from one of our other toys.
Jul 22 00:23:00 <troof>	fuck it looks like you are down again
Jul 22 00:23:05 <troof>	i guess you are just gonna have to do that then
Jul 22 00:23:21 <nachash>	Why can't we all just get along? Fuck.
Jul 22 00:23:35 <troof>	agree
Jul 22 00:23:42 <troof>	stop getting trolled Fox, its ok guy
Jul 22 00:23:46 <troof>	put the keyboard down, walk away
Jul 22 00:24:06 <troof>	lol someone said he was gonna come in here chatting at me
Jul 22 00:24:08 <troof>	D:
Jul 22 00:24:23 <Fox>	Fuck that, you're going to come and talk shit, trust me, I handle trolls all day long, what I don't handle, is some fucking smug cunt being coy.
Jul 22 00:24:32 <troof>	LOL
Jul 22 00:24:35 <troof>	he mad as fuck
Jul 22 00:24:41 <Fox>	Especially when I take your people into my house
Jul 22 00:24:51 <troof>	my people?
Jul 22 00:24:55 <troof>	i work alone g
Jul 22 00:24:58 <Fox>	Your fucking people
Jul 22 00:25:05 <troof>	nobody is affiliated with me
Jul 22 00:25:09 <troof>	nobody.
Jul 22 00:25:15 <troof>	so stfu about my "friends"
Jul 22 00:25:19 <troof>	im dolo nigga, wassup?
Jul 22 00:25:28 <troof>	whats poppin
Jul 22 00:25:45 <troof>	i promise you if i even catch a stray packet come at our vps
Jul 22 00:25:51 <troof>	you won't have a site ever again
Jul 22 00:25:56 <troof>	unless you hide that bitch from the internet
Jul 22 00:26:00 <troof>	and i guarantee that kid
Jul 22 00:26:03 <troof>	so back the fuck up
Jul 22 00:26:08 <troof>	ask your big homies about me
Jul 22 00:26:13 <troof>	and stay the fuck outta my chans talking shit
Jul 22 00:26:15 <troof>	you got trolled
Jul 22 00:26:19 <troof>	and are about to get owned
Jul 22 00:26:23 <Fox>	Fuck that sunshine
Jul 22 00:26:23 <troof>	just leave it at trolled
Jul 22 00:26:24 <troof>	ok?
Jul 22 00:26:47 <troof>	i didn't even ddos that pos lol
Jul 22 00:26:50 <troof>	i noticed it was down
Jul 22 00:26:52 <troof>	and trolled you
Jul 22 00:26:58 <troof>	you fell for it wonderfully
Jul 22 00:27:47 <troof>	now, lets chalk it up one for the good guys
Jul 22 00:27:50 <troof>	and move on
Jul 22 00:28:01 <XiX>	lol
Jul 22 00:28:05 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:28:05 <XiX>	fox
Jul 22 00:28:06 <XiX>	umadbro
Jul 22 00:28:08 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:28:16 *	troof gives channel operator status to venuism
Jul 22 00:28:17 *	troof gives channel operator status to XiX
Jul 22 00:28:19 *	troof gives channel operator status to nachash
Jul 22 00:28:20 <Fox>	Dude i'm fucking heated.
Jul 22 00:28:22 *	troof gives channel operator status to EvilHom3r
Jul 22 00:28:25 <troof>	obv
Jul 22 00:28:31 <XiX>	i think
Jul 22 00:28:34 <XiX>	u just need
Jul 22 00:28:35 <XiX>	to sit down
Jul 22 00:28:39 <troof>	LMAO
Jul 22 00:28:41 <XiX>	and breathe a bit man
Jul 22 00:28:47 <Fox>	Oh shit I ain't that mad
Jul 22 00:28:48 <XiX>	ur obviously mad as fuck
Jul 22 00:28:55 <XiX>	listen its ok
Jul 22 00:28:59 <troof>	lol he told me im lucky i have the friends id o
Jul 22 00:29:13 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:29:16 <Fox>	You are son, so watch your mouth.
Jul 22 00:29:19 <troof>	lolol
Jul 22 00:29:28 <Fox>	Anyways
Jul 22 00:29:29 <troof>	at least you know better
Jul 22 00:29:43 <Fox>	Troof, boy keep running that mouth cause it's all you got
Jul 22 00:30:11 <XiX>	CALM
Jul 22 00:30:12 <XiX>	DOWN
Jul 22 00:30:18 <troof>	except i just owned your box
Jul 22 00:30:22 <troof>	and you claim to have shit
Jul 22 00:30:27 <troof>	and just sit there taking it like a whore
Jul 22 00:30:47 <XiX>	Fox
Jul 22 00:30:50 <XiX>	are you there
Jul 22 00:30:51 <XiX>	FOX
Jul 22 00:30:52 <XiX>	COME IN
Jul 22 00:30:55 <XiX>	FOX??
Jul 22 00:31:01 <troof>	lolol
Jul 22 00:31:07 <troof>	inb4 ping timeout
Jul 22 00:31:16 <Fox>	I'm peachy keen son, I'm fucking caking with a broad right now and ebaying on the side
Jul 22 00:31:17 <Fox>	But I don't take little niggas talking shit.
Jul 22 00:31:22 <XiX>	u laggin bro
Jul 22 00:31:25 <XiX>	>.>
Jul 22 00:31:26 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:31:34 <XiX>	listen
Jul 22 00:31:35 <XiX>	man
Jul 22 00:31:36 <XiX>	dude
Jul 22 00:31:37 <XiX>	bro
Jul 22 00:31:38 <XiX>	its hard
Jul 22 00:31:40 <XiX>	to type
Jul 22 00:31:44 <XiX>	with balled up fists
Jul 22 00:31:59 <XiX>	isnt it?
Jul 22 00:32:06 <XiX>	just take a minute and cool off
Jul 22 00:32:30 <XiX>	ut oh
Jul 22 00:32:34 <XiX>	i think we're losing him
Jul 22 00:32:38 <XiX>	come in fox
Jul 22 00:32:39 <troof>	hes gone :(
Jul 22 00:32:45 <XiX>	rip
Jul 22 00:32:49 <troof>	rip
Jul 22 00:33:25 *	troof still waiting on ping reply
Jul 22 00:33:28 <troof>	:(
Jul 22 00:33:39 <XiX>	damn
Jul 22 00:33:45 <XiX>	we lost fox today
Jul 22 00:33:53 <XiX>	he was a good chatter
Jul 22 00:33:54 <XiX>	well
Jul 22 00:33:56 <XiX>	not really
Jul 22 00:33:58 <XiX>	inb4 ddos complete
Jul 22 00:34:03 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:34:21 <troof>	seems like he was tunneling through that for anonops too
Jul 22 00:34:23 <troof>	oops
Jul 22 00:34:25 *	Fox has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 22 00:34:28 <XiX>	ddos complete
Jul 22 00:34:28 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:34:41 <troof>	* Fox has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
Jul 22 00:34:42 <troof>	anonops
Jul 22 00:34:43 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:34:47 <XiX>	thats anonops?
Jul 22 00:34:50 <troof>	yeah
Jul 22 00:34:56 <XiX>	ouch sux2behim
Jul 22 00:34:59 <troof>	tru
Jul 22 00:35:01 <XiX>	lets let him reconnect
Jul 22 00:35:04 <troof>	yeah
Jul 22 00:35:10 <troof>	so he can accept a nice dcc
Jul 22 00:35:33 <troof>	<troof> loolol
Jul 22 00:35:33 <troof>	<troof> umadbro
Jul 22 00:35:33 <troof>	-Global- Corey is being restarted in 5mins, if your on that server please move, if not you will reconnect within seconds.
Jul 22 00:35:33 <troof>	* Fox has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
Jul 22 00:35:45 <troof>	lool
Jul 22 00:38:04 *	Fox ([email protected]) has joined #doxbin
Jul 22 00:38:24 <troof>	oh sup
Jul 22 00:38:37 <XiX>	wb
Jul 22 00:38:54 <Fox>	tyvm.
Jul 22 00:39:23 <troof>	you settled down?
Jul 22 00:39:30 <XiX>	hopefully
Jul 22 00:39:38 <XiX>	this is a no-enraged chatter zone
Jul 22 00:39:45 <troof>	llol
Jul 22 00:39:54 <XiX>	also u must have ur mirc license
Jul 22 00:40:04 <XiX>	-Fox- VERSION xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu
Jul 22 00:40:05 <XiX>	hmm
Jul 22 00:40:07 <XiX>	seems like
Jul 22 00:40:08 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:40:11 <XiX>	you dont have that with you today
Jul 22 00:40:12 <troof>	yeeeesssss
Jul 22 00:40:15 <Fox>	Doing fantastic.
Jul 22 00:41:03 <Fox>	So guestimation right?
Jul 22 00:41:15 <XiX>	mostly
Jul 22 00:41:22 <Fox>	100mbit here, 100 mbit over on the one you're currently bnc/irssi'ing through right?
Jul 22 00:42:00 <troof>	hey fox
Jul 22 00:42:03 <troof>	<3
Jul 22 00:42:05 <troof>	that is all.
Jul 22 00:42:09 <troof>	:)
Jul 22 00:45:32 *	Fox has quit (Client exited)
Jul 22 00:46:35 *	Fox ([email protected]) has joined #doxbin
Jul 22 00:46:38 <Fox>	That was fun.
Jul 22 00:46:40 <Fox>	Anyways
Jul 22 00:46:45 <XiX>	ya agreed
Jul 22 00:46:47 <XiX>	we should do it
Jul 22 00:46:48 <XiX>	erryday
Jul 22 00:46:53 <XiX>	what do you say
Jul 22 00:47:22 <XiX>	sorry that was actually an xchat vuln
Jul 22 00:47:24 <XiX>	u see here
Jul 22 00:47:34 <XiX>	according to
Jul 22 00:47:37 <XiX>	irc rfc 1459
Jul 22 00:47:44 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:47:46 <XiX>	you must have a MIRC PREMIUM CHATTER license
Jul 22 00:47:55 <XiX>	to use premium channels such as #doxbin
Jul 22 00:48:05 <XiX>	not xchat licenses
Jul 22 00:53:52 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:54:10 <troof>	<Fox> 100mbit here, 100 mbit over on the one you're currently bnc/irssi'ing through right?
Jul 22 00:54:12 <troof>	wtf is he talking about lol
Jul 22 00:55:02 <XiX>	not quite sure
Jul 22 00:55:16 <XiX>	googling
Jul 22 00:55:29 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:55:31 <XiX>	he seems to be some kinda haquer
Jul 22 00:55:50 <XiX>	so he must run lunux
Jul 22 00:55:52 <troof>	fucking dumbass
Jul 22 00:56:03 <troof>	haquers use windows
Jul 22 00:56:09 <troof>	lol @ getting trolled
Jul 22 00:56:10 <XiX>	^
Jul 22 00:56:14 <troof>	then causing a whole bunch of trouble
Jul 22 00:56:18 <troof>	and getting owned
Jul 22 00:56:19 <XiX>	u dont have shit on my tracert bro
Jul 22 00:56:21 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:56:28 <XiX>	i can tracert ur box
Jul 22 00:56:33 <XiX>	ya
Jul 22 00:56:36 <Fox>	Once again, keep ddosing.
Jul 22 00:56:39 <troof>	?
Jul 22 00:56:43 <Fox>	Nighty night kids.
Jul 22 00:56:44 <Fox>	:)
Jul 22 00:56:47 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:56:49 <Fox>	<3 :*
Jul 22 00:56:55 <XiX>	homo
Jul 22 00:56:56 <Fox>	ilu
Jul 22 00:56:58 <troof>	you remember what it is ok
Jul 22 00:57:01 <troof>	and dont you ever forget
Jul 22 00:57:11 <troof>	chincheck 
Jul 22 00:57:12 *	XiX tracert's Fox
Jul 22 00:57:17 <XiX>	inb4 he client exits
Jul 22 00:57:17 *	troof chinchecks fox
Jul 22 00:57:19 <Fox>	You remember that you didn't do jack diddly shit but run your mouth
Jul 22 00:57:22 <XiX>	i hacked his client
Jul 22 00:57:27 <XiX>	hes about to exit
Jul 22 00:57:29 <Fox>	;*
Jul 22 00:57:33 <XiX>	inb4
Jul 22 00:57:36 <troof>	im about to make him quit
Jul 22 00:57:36 <Fox>	pps 
Jul 22 00:57:38 <troof>	1 sec
Jul 22 00:57:40 <Fox>	not shitstorm
Jul 22 00:57:41 <troof>	ssh'n into his box
Jul 22 00:57:42 <Fox>	:3
Jul 22 00:57:51 <XiX>	lol fox u seem to forget
Jul 22 00:58:03 <XiX>	oh
Jul 22 00:58:04 <XiX>	well
Jul 22 00:58:09 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:58:13 <troof>	he forgot what it was
Jul 22 00:58:15 <XiX>	guess not ur not that into things
Jul 22 00:58:17 <troof>	and was quickly reminded
Jul 22 00:58:20 <XiX>	ryan actually gave me root at anonops
Jul 22 00:58:36 <XiX>	since then all your ircds are hooked ;)
Jul 22 00:58:39 <XiX>	have fun
Jul 22 00:58:41 <XiX>	run off now
Jul 22 00:58:45 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 00:58:52 <Fox>	Now you have my interest
Jul 22 00:58:58 <Fox>	Who do you think I am?
Jul 22 00:58:59 <XiX>	aka piss off
Jul 22 00:59:01 <troof>	does he know his ircd is what is dos'n his box?
Jul 22 00:59:05 <troof>	idk
Jul 22 00:59:30 <XiX>	aw look at him
Jul 22 00:59:32 <XiX>	he thinks
Jul 22 00:59:35 <XiX>	all of the leaks
Jul 22 00:59:38 <XiX>	are just coincidence
Jul 22 00:59:44 <troof>	hahahaha
Jul 22 00:59:51 <troof>	:)
Jul 22 00:59:56 <troof>	now you know what it is fox?
Jul 22 00:59:56 <XiX>	what about all of the sha* oper passes
Jul 22 01:00:01 <XiX>	leaked 2 weeks ago bro?
Jul 22 01:00:04 <Fox>	Nigga
Jul 22 01:00:08 <Fox>	you are retarded as fuck
Jul 22 01:00:11 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 01:00:13 <Fox>	Nachash
Jul 22 01:00:15 <Fox>	can literally tell you
Jul 22 01:00:19 <Fox>	I'm not anyone from anonops
Jul 22 01:00:20 <Fox>	lol
Jul 22 01:00:27 <XiX>	right
Jul 22 01:00:33 <XiX>	im sure of it
Jul 22 01:00:34 <troof>	don't be using nachash to vouch for you
Jul 22 01:00:35 <troof>	i dont even like that faggot
Jul 22 01:00:42 <troof>	if it wasnt for him, i'd move doxbin
Jul 22 01:00:49 <troof>	but he owns
Jul 22 01:00:54 <Fox>	Oh word, with your shitty docs right?
Jul 22 01:01:05 <XiX>	oh did this poor dude get d0xd
Jul 22 01:01:05 <troof>	yeah
Jul 22 01:01:08 <Fox>	oh, I forgot,
Jul 22 01:01:09 <troof>	lool
Jul 22 01:01:16 <Fox>	they bought the domain right?
Jul 22 01:01:22 <XiX>	Fox hi welcome to the support room for your d0x
Jul 22 01:01:24 <Fox>	damn, lol.
Jul 22 01:01:29 <XiX>	etc
Jul 22 01:01:36 <Fox>	XiX
Jul 22 01:01:40 <troof>	Fox lol
Jul 22 01:01:41 <Fox>	you give me my real docs
Jul 22 01:01:44 <Fox>	and I will straight out
Jul 22 01:01:49 <Fox>	set you up a bank wire in the morning
Jul 22 01:01:58 <XiX>	oh really
Jul 22 01:02:02 <troof>	also he will sell you root for 2k
Jul 22 01:02:05 <XiX>	i didnt know 13 year olds could do that
Jul 22 01:02:06 <Fox>	Dead serious
Jul 22 01:02:07 <XiX>	these days
Jul 22 01:02:09 <Fox>	1,500$
Jul 22 01:02:11 <troof>	lmao
Jul 22 01:02:14 <troof>	broke ass nigga
Jul 22 01:02:15 <troof>	just wanting a buck
Jul 22 01:02:20 <troof>	lolol
Jul 22 01:02:24 <troof>	internet hustler...that dont make money
Jul 22 01:02:25 <troof>	i love it
Jul 22 01:02:26 <nachash>	Fox, that's enough to tempt even me. lol
Jul 22 01:02:38 <Fox>	Nachash doesn't count
Jul 22 01:02:42 <Fox>	cause you're not talking shit
Jul 22 01:02:42 <nachash>	Awww.
Jul 22 01:02:50 <Fox>	And because I <3 you
Jul 22 01:02:51 <Fox>	in a gay way
Jul 22 01:02:52 <troof>	Fox would eat off that 1,500 for years
Jul 22 01:02:56 <troof>	...or waste it all on coke
Jul 22 01:03:00 <troof>	either way
Jul 22 01:03:03 <troof>	he'd trade his site for it
Jul 22 01:03:05 <troof>	lolol
Jul 22 01:03:13 <troof>	i'll give you 800
Jul 22 01:03:15 <troof>	deal?
Jul 22 01:03:20 <XiX>	dude who is this fox guy anyway
Jul 22 01:03:24 <troof>	no idea
Jul 22 01:03:31 <troof>	talks like he is some haquer though
Jul 22 01:03:36 <troof>	havent seen him haq anything though
Jul 22 01:03:39 <XiX>	who are you
Jul 22 01:03:42 <Fox>	Straight fucking nightmare son
Jul 22 01:03:48 <XiX>	right
Jul 22 01:03:49 <troof>	who are you chump?
Jul 22 01:03:50 <XiX>	im gonna piss myself
Jul 22 01:03:53 <XiX>	in my sleep
Jul 22 01:03:54 <troof>	whats biggest box you hacked?
Jul 22 01:03:59 <troof>	better start talking bitch
Jul 22 01:04:10 <XiX>	itc
Jul 22 01:04:11 <Fox>	Lol lol lol
Jul 22 01:04:12 <XiX>	silence
Jul 22 01:04:13 <XiX>	he hasnt
Jul 22 01:04:16 <XiX>	even rooted his own
Jul 22 01:04:21 <XiX>	so he cant talk shit
Jul 22 01:04:23 <Fox>	Don't need to brag to you kids
Jul 22 01:04:28 <Fox>	Dropping bad docs and such
Jul 22 01:04:34 <troof>	seriously Fox what have you hacked
Jul 22 01:04:35 <XiX>	if they
Jul 22 01:04:38 <XiX>	were bad d0x
Jul 22 01:04:39 <XiX>	why
Jul 22 01:04:40 <XiX>	are you here
Jul 22 01:04:42 <XiX>	bitching
Jul 22 01:04:46 <XiX>	?
Jul 22 01:05:05 <XiX>	ive been fail d0xed 6 times
Jul 22 01:05:08 <XiX>	i havent complained
Jul 22 01:05:09 <XiX>	once
Jul 22 01:05:10 <Fox>	Because
Jul 22 01:05:10 <troof>	what qualifies you to be a blackhat academy leader
Jul 22 01:05:30 <XiX>	lol
Jul 22 01:05:32 <Fox>	I want to know why people have just decided I'm x,y,z and everyone BUT the fake id I have planted already.
Jul 22 01:05:33 <troof>	chump
Jul 22 01:05:41 <XiX>	RIGHT
Jul 22 01:05:42 <XiX>	lol
Jul 22 01:05:44 <troof>	lolol
Jul 22 01:05:46 <troof>	what a clown
Jul 22 01:05:47 <XiX>	i can tell you
Jul 22 01:05:51 <Fox>	Also troof what qualifies me, is that I'm doing it, and no one else is.
Jul 22 01:05:52 <XiX>	with 99% certainty
Jul 22 01:05:58 <XiX>	that those are his real d0x
Jul 22 01:06:00 <XiX>	u can put
Jul 22 01:06:03 <XiX>	verified
Jul 22 01:06:06 <XiX>	next to it
Jul 22 01:06:12 *	troof ssh's into box
Jul 22 01:06:20 <Fox>	plz scroll
Jul 22 01:06:25 <troof>	seriously though fox
Jul 22 01:06:31 <troof>	i thought you were gonna rail me with your toys?
Jul 22 01:06:34 <troof>	pause
Jul 22 01:06:39 <troof>	lol faggot
Jul 22 01:06:50 <Fox>	Oh don't worry about me a bit :)
Jul 22 01:06:54 <XiX>	itc
Jul 22 01:06:55 <troof>	<Fox> I would have railed this shit from one of our other toys.
Jul 22 01:07:00 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 01:07:03 <XiX>	fox is in stages of denial
Jul 22 01:07:11 <troof>	you gonna rail thegibson?
Jul 22 01:07:12 <Fox>	:>
Jul 22 01:07:29 <XiX>	sorry im no haqer
Jul 22 01:07:35 <XiX>	pls define
Jul 22 01:07:36 <XiX>	rail
Jul 22 01:07:42 <troof>	sorry im no haqer
Jul 22 01:07:44 <troof>	plz define
Jul 22 01:07:45 <Fox>	Its where I put my dick
Jul 22 01:07:46 <troof>	":>"
Jul 22 01:07:46 <Fox>	in your asshole
Jul 22 01:07:52 <troof>	sounds pretty gay tbh
Jul 22 01:07:59 <Fox>	Its pretty leet.
Jul 22 01:08:12 <troof>	wtf is leet
Jul 22 01:08:26 <XiX>	if u wanna bot the network go ahead
Jul 22 01:08:29 <XiX>	i openly condone it
Jul 22 01:08:30 <troof>	have you fixed your irc yet
Jul 22 01:08:40 <troof>	we will pay you to do so
Jul 22 01:08:46 <XiX>	wait
Jul 22 01:08:47 <troof>	pay you in packets
Jul 22 01:08:48 <XiX>	what irc
Jul 22 01:08:54 <troof>	talking to fox
Jul 22 01:08:58 <troof>	his ircd is dos'n his box
Jul 22 01:08:59 <XiX>	ya
Jul 22 01:09:02 <XiX>	lol
Jul 22 01:09:06 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 01:09:10 <XiX>	damn im hungry
Jul 22 01:09:13 <Fox>	Anyways troof
Jul 22 01:09:17 <Fox>	Xix
Jul 22 01:09:22 <Fox>	you all have a fantastic night,
Jul 22 01:09:27 <XiX>	yep
Jul 22 01:09:29 <XiX>	see ya
Jul 22 01:09:31 *	Fox has quit (Z:lined (no reason))
Jul 22 01:09:34 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 01:09:40 <troof>	k im gonna eat
Jul 22 01:09:43 <troof>	that was funny
Jul 22 01:09:46 <troof>	what an idiot
Jul 22 01:09:52 <troof>	get trolled on anonops
Jul 22 01:10:00 <troof>	end up getting "railed"
Jul 22 01:10:02 <troof>	lol
Jul 22 01:10:21 <XiX>	hes pissed
Jul 22 01:10:25 <XiX>	my new years revolution
Jul 22 01:10:30 <XiX>	is to piss off as many people as possible
Jul 22 01:11:11 <XiX>	how much u wanna bet
Jul 22 01:11:16 <XiX>	hes gonna target this net
Jul 22 01:11:31 <XiX>	etc
Jul 22 01:12:03 <troof>	i bet he wont
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