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16:13:40 [-Leres > seems that doxbin is gone. 

16:13:46 [-Leres > twitter account. 

16:15:13 [-nachash > lol, what?

16:15:14 |-INFO > Leres is away: I'm busy

16:15:15 [-nachash > I'm logged in

16:15:19 [-nachash > and can see everything just fine

16:15:44 [-Leres > user does not exists on mine. 

16:15:52 [-Leres > Sorry, that page doesn?t exist!

16:16:03 [-nachash > That's weird

16:16:46 [-Leres > there is something else weird

16:17:00 [-nachash > Just replied to your tweet

16:17:32 [-nachash > and I've had people tweet at me and follow me since you said that lol

16:18:08 [-nachash > I'm not gonna emo-quit like st0rm

16:18:11 [-Leres > Well there something else weird. I got a document with your server info in it. 

16:18:17 [-nachash > and I'm not stupid enough to put actual dox in SSNs

16:18:28 [-nachash > Oh, someone did a web app scan not long ago

16:18:32 [-nachash > Wouldn't be surprised if somebody gave you that

16:18:39 [-Leres >  fwrite($tehfiel,$tehdoxx);

16:18:39 [-Leres >     fclose($tehfiel);

16:18:39 [-Leres >     chmod("dox/".$tehnaem.".txt", 0644); // Remove fucking exec bits, juuuuust 

                   in case

16:18:40 [-Leres >     echo 'Dox posted. Click <a href="doxviewer.php?dox='.$tehnaem.'">here</a> to 

                   read them, or go <a href="index.php">back to the index</a> to post something 


16:19:12 [-nachash > loooooool

16:19:58 [-Leres > I guess they did more then just a scan. 

16:20:12 [-nachash > rofl looks like it

16:20:56 [-Leres > And I can't see your twitter. 

16:21:19 [-Leres > keeps giving me Sorry, that page doesn?t exist!

16:21:40 [-nachash > That is odd as fuck

16:21:43 [-nachash > Oh well

16:21:58 [-nachash > Twitter sometimes does that to me, on other people

16:22:03 [-nachash > USually stops after a couple of refreshes

16:22:15 [-Leres > <?php

16:22:16 [-Leres > if(file_exists("DISABLEPOST")) { die('Posting is currently disabled due to an 

                   attack, AIDS, or something else bad.'); }

16:22:17 [-Leres > / if(file_exists("DISABLEPOST")) { die('lol little baby can't take some mockery. 

                   - papa nac'); }

16:22:17 [-Leres > if(isset($_POST["name"])) { $tehnaem = $_POST["name"]; } else { die("fail"); }

16:22:17 [-Leres > if(isset($_POST["dox"])) { $tehdox = $_POST["dox"]; } else { die("fail"); }

16:22:17 [-Leres > $tehnaem = htmlentities($tehnaem); // mostly to strip NULs but for XSS as well

16:22:19 [-Leres > if(stristr($tehnaem, '.php')) { header("Location:"); 

                   die("<H1><FONT SIZE=7><STRONG>lol, try harder</strong></font></h1>"); }

16:22:23 [-Leres > I'm refreshing for 5 minutes now. 

16:22:32 [-Leres > else I would not say bye doxbin

16:23:54 [-Leres > there is something going on here. 

16:25:20 [-Leres > Still nothing

16:25:21 [-Leres > Sorry, that page doesn?t exist!

16:25:21 [-Leres > Search for a username, first or last name:

16:29:27 [-nachash > lol

16:29:47 [-nachash > I don't know if this is your backhanded attempt at getting me to take the site 

                     down, or what

16:29:51 [-nachash > But I'm not going anywhere

16:32:20 [-Leres > im not will just make a blog out of I guess. 

16:32:51 [-nachash > lol

16:51:07 [-nachash > How did you like my little counter measures?

17:28:57 [-Leres > ?

17:29:13 [-Leres > what ya mean?

17:30:46 [-nachash > You only pasted the ends of the file

17:31:29 [-Leres > im just worried

17:32:12 [-nachash > lol

17:32:29 [-nachash > Am I to take this as a case of responsible disclosure?

17:33:10 [-Leres > Not doing anything

17:33:17 [-Leres > GOogle removed my fucking weblog

17:33:28 [-nachash > Those bastards

17:33:31 [-nachash > Your blog was quality

17:33:48 [-Leres > thing is No backup ;)

17:34:17 [-Leres > i was just eating till I got this email 

17:34:25 [-Leres > Hello, Your blog at has been reviewed and 

                   confirmed as in violation of our Terms of Service for: SPAM. In accordance to 

                   these terms, we've removed the blog and the URL is no longer accessible. For 

                   more information, please review the following resources: Blogger Terms of 

                   Service: Blogger Content Policy: 

          -The Blogger Te

17:34:25 [-Leres > am

17:34:38 [-nachash > Oh, what bullshit

17:34:53 [-nachash > You should mkae your blog a static html .onion

17:34:54 [-nachash > *make

17:36:12 [-Leres > Don't have any webhost. 

17:36:52 [-Leres > meh and cache dont have the latest backup

17:36:54 [-Leres > fuck. 

17:37:18 [-nachash > You could always run it off of a spare machine out of your bedroom lol

17:37:22 [-nachash > thttpd ftw

17:38:17 [-Leres > I dont have any. 

17:38:36 [-nachash > Did you not even save textfiles of the text?

17:42:42 [-nachash > I just don't understand how blogger would tos you for spam

17:43:04 [-nachash > There's stuff on blogger that is way worse than your blog, which has been up 

                     since at least 2010

17:43:46 [-Leres > i dont save that stuff. 

17:43:54 [-Leres > I do save other stuff

17:45:02 [-Leres > saying something about new filters. 

17:45:03 [-Leres > meh. 

17:45:45 [-nachash > Who, blogspot?

17:45:56 [-Leres > yea

19:58:35 [-Leres >

20:56:33 [-nachash > lol
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