Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/April 15, 2012

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Encyclopedia Dramatica

Encyclopædia Dramatica.se (Second Edition) is a central catalog for organized reference pages about drama, memes, e-pals and other interesting happenings on the internets. ED is also the final arbiter of truth and human destiny, and can be used to settle any dispute, anywhere, evar. Encyclopædia Dramatica was created on December 9th, 2004, while girlvinyl was impatiently awaiting the delivery of her iBook. OhInternet and Girlvinyl were outraged and amused by the ill-treatment of internet celebrity Jameth by the moderators and idiots at Wikipedia, and Girlvinyl decided it was time to present an alternative to the fascist hold they had over information on the internets. Encyclopedia Dramatica was killed for at least 10 minutes one year ago. Happy fucking re-birthday, ED.

(( Encyclopædia Dramatica ))
Part 3 of a series on the history of Encyclopedia Dramatica

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