Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/April 21, 2012

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Daniel Brandt

Pop-quiz hot shot, you want to take down ED but you don't have Visual Basic so you can't backtrace their DNS numbers, what do you do? You call this man. Daniel Leslie Brandt is a master at the art of doxing people who use their real name on the internet. Similar in look and personality to Girlvinyl, he has excelled in the fine art of being able to dish it out, but not take it. The resident e-detective of The Wikipedia Review, Brandt has a wide range of experience in internet stalking and e-psychiatry. According to rumors on the internets, Wikipedia plans to file a lawsuit against Brandt for violating the privacy of Wikipedia admins by unearthing private information posted by those admins through the simple means of a scroogle search, and re-publishing it on other websites. Brandt's goal in life before he dies (any day now, as he is well into his 60's) is to see Encyclopedia Dramatica shut down. This so-called free speech activist is in fact so hypocritically pro-censorship that even Jimbo Wales thinks he is a crack-pot.

(( Daniel Brandt ))
Part 6 of a series on the history of Encyclopedia Dramatica

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Taking Down ED
2 days ago
4 days ago
Encyclopedia Dramatica
6 days ago