Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/August 17, 2011

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An EDiot is a strange unevolved being, that slumps in it's office chair eyes glued to the screen constantly refreshing it's watchlist page, avidly waiting for something to flame over. They can also be caught spamming ED articles with their own unfunny image macros and embedding long uninteresting jewtube videos everywhere like it was nobody's business, often leaving a long trail of unnecessary piping and grammatical errors snaking behind them. Some EDiots, however, may be on their way to becoming a sophisticated dramacrat, and believe it or not many sysops begain as a slimy EDiot, working their way up and sucking all the dicks to stand king, on a great, shining mountain of shit. Never trust an EDiot though, as there is a high probability that they are a faggot, in fact some ED users are outed furries, even having deviantart, YTMND or uncyclopedia profiles on the side.


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