Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/February 3, 2012

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Delicious Cake

Cake is apparently NOT a lie. Cake is delicious and thus... you must eat it.

Since time immemorial, people have wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Oh, but if only life was that simple. Unfortunately, there always seems to be something or someone trying to prevent you from getting your hands on delicious cake and eating it. It is at times like these that one must go to extraordinary measures to get at that delicious cake you so crave.

Fortunately, the scientists, mathematicians, engineers, physicists and metaphysicists at 4chan are working around-the-clock posing every conceivable hypothetical situation one might find oneself in, vis-à-vis delicious cake, and the ultimate prize– enjoying said deliciousness. If you want to know: "how can I haz caek?" - this is the answer.

(( CAKE GET! ))

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