Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/July 14, 2011

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Rootbrian is a 27-year-old passive-aggressive YouTube lolcow and anti-cyber bullying "activist" from Canadia who has an evenly shorn ex-unibrow, a grill worse than Jawsus', and the personality of a kitchen utensil. An unemployed, mildly autistic 5'4" dwarf (no, srsly), he has become known as a motherload of LOL on the tubes. He specializes in producing an unbelievable number of informative and meaningful videos on a wide variety of subjects he feels are important, as well as providing the odd lolcano here and there. Brian lives at home in a shared room with his brother and mother on a steady diet of government cheese and is, by far, one of YouTube's biggest sources of lulz to date.

((I don't stay on the computer 24/7, I take a two-hour break))

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