Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/June 10, 2012

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The man who thought he owned the world...
The man who thought he owned the world...

If anyone were to come close to Jacknstock's level of persistent dickery, despite the unthinkable levels of Autism and pure stupidity required to do so, that man-child would be Beefrave.

Aaron S. Pawlowski (formerly Aaron Scott Worley) first signed onto Encyclopedia Dramatica:IRC in April of 2011, after discovering the glory of Encyclopedia Dramatica via the temporary set-back that occurred around that time. Being straight out of 4chan, Beefrave began spending his jobless days spamming unfunny bullshit into IRC. At first he was believed to be a troll that refused to break character and left daumode always on. Unfortunately for him, his true colors were soon revealed as he was effectively trolled to the point of no recovery, constantly returning for more.


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