Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/June 14, 2011

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn, commonly referred to as Le Perv, is one of the most notorious French Jewish sex offenders to set his foot on American soil, second only to child rapist Roman Polanski ✡. Curiously, he was the director of the International Monetary Fund and one of the most pathological pussyholic of all France politicians in a former life, which ended abruptly with his arrest on May 14th 2011. For reasons that are not fully understood yet, he lost all protection from law-enforcement and immunity, after trying to raep a chamber-maid in a Sofitel hotel in New York City. To the outrage of the French electorate, DSK was v& and perp-walked after said chamber-maid filed a report.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, euphemistically nick-named "The Great Seducer" by the French media, had been entertaining the power-voyeuristic French masses with compulsive harrassment, groping, surprise sex and sodomization of females of all ages for decades, and the sudden arrest of their hero hit the frog-munchers out of the blue.

Allegations of smear-campaigning ensued. As of 12 June 2011, the verdict of the court is still pending, but the odds on the street are that Dominique Strauss-Kahn will eventually meet a Great Seducer named Bubba.

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