Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/March 9, 2012

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Looking to score a position with Uncle Sam tracking down the "evil cybercriminal underground"? Look no further, Hector Xavier Monsegur (formally known as Sabu) is your ticket into becoming one of the good guys and putting a stop to any and all evil hackers with the attention span to read a w3schools tutorial on SQL and proceed to use said info in numerous "hacking campaigns" on Xavier's buddy's servers. As a former leader for leaderless organization Anonymous (see: Anonops), Sabu would hunt down XSS vulnerabilities in comment fields, so his fellow anons could redirect their enemies to porn and give "hacked by XxAnonymousLegionxX" popups via alert(). Eventually, Sabu's stance within the Anonymous borg gave him the impression that he could finally do something with his life by founding "notorious troll-hacker group" LulzSec, and heavily dickriding the real antisec community in the process.


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