Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 16, 2011

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The show summed up in one image.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu is an animu about some annoying tsundere female who is God. In other words, it's your average emo-oriented series, minus vampires and werewolves and with more happy gay shit that you'd only find in Japan. The show also contains various Japanese pop culture references that only an otaku would understand to any extent. Haruhi also started the Hare Hare Yukai dance, which both Waps and real Japs poorly imitate to the point where knowing it at an anime convention is mandatory.

A notable thing in the show is that the episodes were aired out of order, in an attempt to keep the series "deep" and "interesting", but this had proved to be a failure. It has, however, some lulz as weaboos are often stupid and easily confused by such things.

As Anonymous both loves and hates Haruhi with a passion, bringing the series up is a known way to start flamewars in /a/ , #ed and /b/ at times. You can also pwn silly theism vs. atheism drama debates on /b/ by spamming pictures of Haruhi. READ MOAR!