Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 21, 2011

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According to a few million especially delusional Christfags, mostly Americunts, the world is going to end in 2011, starting with the Rapture and Judgment Day on May 21, followed by the actual END OF THE WORLD later in October. This has created an unprecedentedly fine opportunity for trolling. ON the other hand Christians are being stupid again as they are sending themselves to hell while the atheists can finally live free without Jesus trying to pop-up every three seconds to sell you the bible.

On May 21, at exactly 12 Noon (Israel Daylight Savings Time), The RaptureTM will come to pass. At that moment, millions of people (though only the VERY BEST Christians) will suddenly vanish, all around the globe in one shocking moment. They will actually leave their clothes and shoes etc. right where they had been standing, moments before. Everyone else will be quite puzzled as their friends disappear before their eyes. Cars and airliners will careen out of control as Raptured drivers and pilots suddenly abandon ship. Even the donated organs of these Christians, whether live or dead will be raptured right out of the sinner's body.

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