Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 31, 2011

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This vacant look is what made her famous!
This vacant look is what made her famous!

Emmy Rossum is a minor, mediocre talent in the entertainment world. And when we say minor, we mean that she has been in only one movie that wasn't shit. That movie was Mystic River, and it wasn't shit because Emmy played a dead girl in it. She mysteriously rose from the sea last Thursday and has been attention whoring like you wouldn't believe since then.

She is known to be fucking stupid, especially when it comes to researching her roles. For instance, to prepare for her role in The Phantom of the Opera, she looked at pictures of ballerinas instead of taking dance lessons, took maybe one voice lesson, and studied the Holocaust to understand the fear that Christine Daae felt when the Phantom was stalking her. Because, apparently, Christine is a Jew and the Phantom is Hitler.


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