Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 6, 2011

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Not to be confused with Aaron Burr, the famous gunslinger.

Aaron Barr is was the CEO and all-around fuckwit in charge of HBGary Federal, a company which bills itself as the National Guard of the Internet. While the HBGary website claims the company provides security against "the attackers [of] intellectual property, infrastructure, identity, and personal safety" what they actually do is shitty malware detection software. However Aaron Barr was planning something big. In his free time he was tip-toeing into the darkest corners of the internet and digging up dirt on Anonymous, the internet hate machine. On Feburary 4th, Financial Times ran an article[1] where Mr. Barr claimed he had infiltrated the cyber-terrorist organization known as "Anonymous", identified its leaders, and was going to sell the data to the FBI so said leaders could be arrested. If you just crapped your pants, then you have yet to see the "data" which Mr. Barr was able to scrounge up.

Read moar!

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