Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/November 1, 2011

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FanFiction (commonly abbreviated to fanfic or fic) are cute literary pieces composed by people who enjoy taking a film, novel, television show, book, or other media work, using the characters and situations developed in it and raping them in every possible and impossible way up the ass (as a matter of historical interest, it should be noted that in the pre-1965 era, the term "fan fiction" was used in fandom to designate Science Fiction written by members of fandom (specifically that of Star Trek) and published in fanzines, as distinguished from works professionally published; this usage is now obsolete). The most common usage of fanfiction is merely as an excuse for sup-par writers to write out their most erotic fantasies with their favorite fictional characters.

((OCxOC lemon songfic))

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