Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/October 5, 2012

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Bahrain is a small country in the Arabian Peninsula that is a protectorate of the Wahhabist Saudi Royal Family. No one would give a shit about Bahrain if it weren't for all the oil that it sits on top of and the fact that it has an excellent deep water port for Zionist forces to use against Terrorist Iran. More important than all of this, though, is that ED has special forces on the ground in Bahrain reporting back to us every day, with first-hand accounts of the carnage, home videos, and juicy sekritz in the form of leaked military e-mails. In this eternal struggle for the right to simply tell the truth, ED wishes to present the greatest drama bomb ever to be unleashed on the United States: The Bahrain Revolution.


What have I missed?
Jonathan Kendrick Lewis
2 days ago
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