Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/October 9, 2011

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Like most sufferers of the dreaded 'spergers, Anthony LoGatto has found solace among a nakama not unlike those found in those Japanimation shows he's so fond of. These individuals troll softball targets and long since dried up and high profile lolcows, many parroting A-Log's classic 'segment of video, followed with reaction clip from anime series and a short diatribe on how they need to totally be ashamed of themselves' style of editing, and just like A-Log, a quick Googling reveals several of their own less than flattering quirks.

Despite this, each of these individuals fancy themselves expert commentators and virtually untouchable in the field of pwnage, genuinely thinking nothing of the piles upon piles of faggotry they leave in their wake as they dedicate hours worth of video provoking those they deem inferior.

These individuals are living proof that it is still possible to die alone, no matter how many of your fellow losers you surround yourself with on the Internet.


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