Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/December 7, 2021

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Josh Moon first came to attention when he offered to co-admin the CWCki Forums (now Kiwi Farms), giving out his email and doxxing himself in the process. Infamy soon followed when users quickly noticed that Josh could be easily baited into responding in emotionally charged and humorous ways. Eventually he was put under investigation where his embarrassing internet history was exposed for all to see including making rape threads and possible rape attempts directed at a number of his forum users.

His crown achievement was somehow convincing Fredrick Brennan of 8chan that he's the man to take his site to the next level, but instead spending the next few months making a crippled man in a wheelchair act as his personal autism caretaker/drug supplier while he pretended to write code but instead sat around abusing his mod privs to ban and dox anyone who made fun of him on /v/. For this dubious pleasure he billed Hotwheelz 12k, and when the code didn't work tried to claim ownership of 8chan and then just fucked off.


What have I missed?
Low Tier God
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