Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 28, 2014

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Pinkiepony, real name April Davis, is a 17 year old egomaniac nazi from Tumblr and brony in denial who is described as the Avril Lavigne of the pony fandom. Being your typical Social Justice Blogger of Tumblr, she is known for her cold-hearted hatred of anything remotely offensive, male, brony, or lulzy, her hypocrisy, attention whoring, and her inability to quit bitching and moaning until she gets what she wants. Her raging estrogen and big mouth garnered her some followers on Tumblr, but she didn't truly gain E-Fame until she began to thirst for the delicious tears of the bronies. Using the alleged popping of her 12-year-old sister's internet cherry as a martyr and the ticklish subject of rape as her sword, she went full retard and started the Down With Molestia protest.


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