Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/July 10, 2024

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Adventure Time

Adventure Time is yet another batshit-insane politically correct cartoon series that airs on Cartoon Network, while pandering to queers, social justice wankers, and autistic 13-year-olds around the globe. The show is about an egotistical faggot named Finn, and his talking shape-shifting pedo dog, Jake, with a quest to ruin everything good about living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Most people will quickly give this show the finger and go out to buy Fallout 3 or 4. Shit, if you really think about it, this show is a bigger ripoff of the classic Don Johnson movie, A Boy And His Dog than Fallout.

To clarify, let's compare Johnson's: both are set in an apocalyptic world. Both main characters have a talking dog as a best friend. Both main characters have the same quest in life, to get laid, and they all come across challenges from an evil character and a good one. I wish Pedoton Ward would already get to the end where Johnson had sex with the girl only to realize he doesn't want a princess, and all the trappings that come with her, so he kills her to save the life of his dog by feeding her to him, because Don Johnson's character would rather live a life of adventure with his dog than be held down by broken societal rules and a needy bitch. But no. It ends with an extremely crappy and unfulfilling lesbian kiss in the ass.

The show is essentially the same thing as any other Cartoon Network series that has existed since the mid-2000s: an absolute shit-heap with a cancerous fandom consisting of the most fucked up people in existence; the same closeted manchildren who obsessively waste away watching these cartoons in hopes that doing so it will either make them hip unique snowflakes, revive their precious 90's cartoons (ironic considering that Adventure Time forces moar auto-tune on the viewers than the average mainstream hip-hop dumbshit that have their own VEVO channel on YouTube) or scenefags who think that they will relate to Marceline because she's all emotional and edgy and all that typical shit.

Adventure Time was developed by Pendleton Ward and Frederator Studios (creators of another cartoon where pedos and fags make up most of the cast), which explains why most of the show is about said pedophiles and fags on acid

(( Cartoon Network Shows That It Has No Soul Because They're Bringing It Back ))

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Boku No Pico
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4th of July
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