Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/July 26, 2022

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Brian Richard Zaiger (also known as Mantequilla, and simply Zaiger) was the former admin of Encyclopedia Dramatica, who fell ass backwards into the role after GirlVinyl sold out the site, Ryan Cleary got arrested for being part of Lulzsec and Garrett became suddenly employed, so the position somehow defaulted to Zaiger, despite barely being a mod on ED.com, not having any technical skills, specifically for running a fully-fledged website. Brian has a long track record of being banned from ED.com multiple times for being a massive faggot. Zaiger is from the shithole of Salem, Massachusetts near Baaaawstin, where, prior to being arrested for drugs and laissez-faire "running" Encyclopedia Dramatica for a shitty six years, owned a derelict, roach-infested apartment, which he was eventually evicted from, due to not paying the rent. Homeless, and on the street for a brief period, before his arrest, he contemplated suicide, but unfortunately never went through with it.

Despite constantly bitching about how Sherrod betrayed ED, he ended up being even worse than her and is now known as Sherrod 2: Electric Boogaloo. After gaining control of the site, Zaiger then spent the next few years running the ED into the ground with his laziness, incompetence, greed and technological illiteracy. Making the site unusable by flooding it with virus-ridden pop-up ads for porn sites and stealing all of the site's donations and ad revenue to fuel his on-again-off-again drug and alcohol addiction instead of paying for our hosting or the child support for his bastard son, then E-Begging the community and other staff members for more money so he could keep the site up (only to spend it all on booze yet again). In his wake, Zaiger left a long list of lost domains and resigning administrators, all of whom quit when they got sick of babysitting him to keep him from destroying the site while he's drunk, and doing his work for him because he doesn't know how to computer.

Zaiger's reckoning finally came when, after racking up nearly $100k in legal fees due to being personally sued for something someone wrote on the site, he had all of his admin privs wrestled away from him by the current administration who found out he was planning to sell the website, and kicked out of ED, still saddled with an insurmountable debt he acquired on ED's behalf that we no longer intend to help him pay.


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