Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/March 5, 2021

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When a young black man is shot and killed by a responsible white police officer, other blacks will hold a ceremony to honor the dead in which they burn cars, throw rocks, and destroy businesses. The sound of crying, screeching, and chest thumping is intermingled with chants of, "He dindu nuffins!" which is often assumed to be in English "He did not do anything!" This is, of course, a lie, since the phrase itself is grammatically incorrect; literally, it is the Ebonics of the phrase "Did not do nothing" which is a double negative, therefore, they "did something." Black people will shout this and attempt to gain sympathy from bleeding-heart liberals by talking about how "Black Lives Matter," while still making ample time to loot the local CVS or tip over police cars.


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