Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/May 16, 2022

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Payton Gendron

A few three letter agencies decided the Jewnited States of America was getting a little too pro-white and pro-gun for its own good. Enter Payton Gendron, alias jimboboiii, the zoomer federal asset perpetrator of the most recent en vogue /pol/ type shooting and even worse, a dirty furfag. Payton is one of Aussie phenomenon Brenton Tarrant's disciples. Lacking originality like every cumskin before him, Payton, instead of targeting the real ones in power, or people who actually deserve it, decided to shoot up a low-rent supermarket full of old ladies and negros shopping for saturated fat filled goyslop. Payton managed to beat Randy Stair's super market rampage at the very least.


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