Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/October 23, 2014

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Tyler Malka

Tyler Malka AKA Evilore is the fat, pasty-faced loser who looks disturbingly like a goblin and who's only claim to fame is running NeoFAG NeoGAF in between making racist posts and sexually harassing women in bars because they refuse to sleep with him regardless of how much money he throws at them. At the moment Tyler is hunkered down in his little pillow fort, where no user can say a bad word about him or disagree with him without being b&, and refuses to leave it for any reason for fear of the real world outside.

Ironically, while he is actually a racist, sexual harasser and a painfully insecure nerd who makes MRA-like statements in a failed attempt to convince the people on his forum that he's cool, outwardly he panders to social justice warriors and feminist that he despises (although he secretly despises all women, not just feminazis) probably because, in spite of getting a rather large amount of money from video game companies to threaten his users to either promote their games or get banned, he still simply can NOT get laid no matter how hard he tries and white knighting seems to be his last, desperate attempt to get a sex life.

(( I KNOW JU JITSU!!! ))

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